Teacher-Selected Books by Month (2003)

Last updated Monday, November 3, 2003
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
December: "Winter Holidays"
(Click on each book title for a synopsis
and craft ideas)
Clifford's Christmas,
by Norman Bridwell (Kindergarten)
Arthur's Perfect Christmas,
by Marc Brown (1st Grade)
Miracle of the Poinsettia,
by Brian Cavanaugh (2nd Grade)
Lots of Latkes: A Hannukah Story,
by Sandy Lanton (3rd Grade)
Too Many Tamales,
by Gary Soto (4th Grade)
December Secrets,
by Patricia Reilly Giff (5th Grade)
November: "Thanksgiving"
The Story of Thanksgiving,
by Nancy J. Skarmeas (Kindergarten)
A Child's Story of Thanksgiving,
by Laura Rader (1st Grade)
Minnie and Moo and the Thanksgiving Tree,
by Denys Cazet (2nd Grade)
Cranberry Thanksgiving,
by Wende Devlin (3rd Grade)
Rivka's First Thanksgiving,
by Elsa Okon Rael (4th Grade)
The Thanksgiving Story,
by Alice Dalgliesh (5th Grade)
October: "Halloween"
Owl Babies,
by Martin Waddell (Kindergarten)
Skeleton Hiccups,
by Margery Cuyler (1st Grade)
A Beasty Story,
by Steven Kellogg (2nd Grade)
by Kathryn Lasky (3rd Grade)
The Spider and the Fly,
by Mary Botham Howitt (4th Grade)
The Widow's Broom,
by Chris Van Allsburg (5th Grade)
September: "Fantasy, Folklore, and Fairy Tales"
Henny Penny,
by Paul Galdone (Kindergarten)
Princess Penelope,
by Todd Mack (1st Grade)
by Becky Bloom (2nd Grade)
The Three Armadillies Tuff,
by Jackie Mins Hopkins (3rd Grade)
Trouble Dolls,
by Jimmy Buffett (4th Grade)
Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story,
by Tomie De Paola (5th Grade)
August: "Feelings and Emotions"
Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day,
by Jamie Lee Curtis (Kindergarten)
I'm Gonna Like Me: Letting Off a Little Self-Esteem,
by Jamie Lee Curtis (1st Grade)
Smile A Lot,
by Nancy Carlson (2nd Grade)
by Bernard Waber (3rd Grade)
Enemy Pie,
by Derek Munson (4th Grade)
Marianthe's Story: Painted Words and Spoken Memories,
by Aliki (5th Grade)
July: "Schools"
If You Take a Mouse to School,
by Laura Numeroff (Kindergarten)
Where Are You Going, Manyoni?,
by Catherine Stock (1st Grade)
Who Will Go to School Today?,
by Karl Ruhmann (2nd Grade)
Barrio: Jose's Neighborhood,
by George Ancona (3rd Grade)
What Planet Are You From, Clarice Bean?,
by Lauren Child (4th Grade)
7 x 9 = Trouble!,
by Claudia Mills (5th Grade)
June: "Celebrations"
There's a Big, Beautiful
World Out There, by Nancy L. Carlson (Kindergarten)
My Very Own Room,
by Amanda Irma Perez (1st Grade)
The Upside Down Boy,
by Juan Felipe Herrera (2nd Grade)
A Story, a Story: An African Tale,
by Gail E. Haley (3rd Grade)
My Diary from Here to There,
by Amanda Irma Perez (4th Grade)
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!,
by Dr. Seuss (5th Grade)
May: "Family"
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me,
by Eric Carle (Kindergarten)
The Runaway Bunny,
by Margaret Wise Brown (1st Grade)
Julius, the Baby of the World,
by Kevin Henkes (2nd Grade)
Family Pictures,
by Carmen Lomas Garza (3rd Grade)
The Keeping Quilt,
by Patricia Polacco (4th Grade)
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale,
by John Steptoe (5th Grade)
April: "Environment"
The Water Hole,
by Graeme Base (Kindergarten)
A Pig Tale, by Olivia Newton-John (1st Grade)
The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor,
by Joanna Cole (2nd Grade)
Dear Children of the Earth: A Letter From Home
, by Schim Schimmel (3rd Grade)
The Dragon and the Unicorn,
by Lynn Cherry (4th Grade)
The Shaman's Apprentice: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest,
by Lynne Cherry (5th Grade)
March: "Positive Images of Women"
I Want to Be
a Cowgirl, by Jeanne Willis (Kindergarten)
Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon,
by Patty Lovell (1st Grade)
Princess and the Pea, The,
by Alain Vaes (2nd Grade)
You Forgot Your Skirt,
Amelia Bloomer!, by Shana Corey (3rd Grade)
Talkin' About Bessie,
by Nikki Grimes (4th Grade)
Fiesta Femenina,
by Mary-Joan Gerson (5th Grade)
February: "Friendship"
George and Martha: The Complete
Stories of Two Best Friends, by James Marshall (Kindergarten)
by Janie Bynum (1st Grade)
Hunter's Best Friend at School,
by Laura Elliott (2nd Grade)
Rosie and Michael,
by Judith Viorst (3rd Grade)
Slim and Jim,
by Richard Egielski (4th Grade)
Rag Coat, The,
by Lauren A. Mills (5th Grade)
January: "Diversity"
Rap a Tap Tap,
by Leo and Diane Dillon (Kindergarten)
My Nose, Your Nose,
by Melanie Walsh (1st Grade)
by Leo Lionni (2nd Grade)
I Love Saturdays Y Domingos,
by Alma Flor Ada (3rd Grade)
More Than Anything Else,
by Marie Bradby (4th Grade)
The Butterfly,
by Patricia Polacco (5th Grade)
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |