Reading Clubs |
Teacher-Selected Books by Month (2001)

Last updated Monday, March 25, 2002
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
December: "Winter Holidays"
Max's Christmas,
by Rosemary Wells (Kindergarten)
Beni's First Chanukah,
by Jane Breskin Zalben (1st Grade)
My First Kwanzaa Book,
by Deborah M. Newton-Chocolate (2nd Grade)
Wild Christmas Reindeer, The,
by Jan Brett (3rd Grade)
Chanukkah Guest, The,
by Eric Kimmel (4th Grade)
Clown of God, The,
by Tomie de Paola (5th Grade)
November: "Thanksgiving"
Thanksgiving Visit, by Norman Bridwell (Kindergarten)
Thanksgiving Day,
by Anne Rockwell (1st Grade)
Arthur's Thanksgiving,
by Marc Brown (2nd Grade)
at the Tappletons', by Eileen Spinelli (3rd Grade)
Daisy's Crazy Thanksgiving,
by Margery Cuyler (4th Grade)
How Many Days to America?
A Thanksgiving Story, by Eve Bunting (5th Grade)
October: "Halloween"
Go Away, Big Green Monster!,
by Ed Emberly (Kindergarten)
In the Haunted House,
by Eve Bunting (1st Grade)
Hallo-Wiener, The,
by Dav Pilkey (2nd Grade)
House that Drac Built, The,
by Judy Sierra (3rd Grade)
Big Pumpkin,
by Erica Silverman (1st Grade)
Maria Molina
and the Days of the Dead, by Katherine Krull (5th Grade)
September: "Imagination, Fantasy, and Folklore"
Tiny's Big Wish,
by Gil Davies (Kindergarten)
Now What Can I Do?,
by Margaret Bridges (1st Grade)
by Christopher Myers (2nd Grade)
Thank You, Mr. Falker,
by Patricia Polacco (3rd Grade)
Arrow to the Sun,
by Gerald McDermott (4th Grade)
Aunt Harriet's
Underground Railroad in the Sky, by Faith Ringgold (5th Grade)
August: "Feelings and Emotions"
Felix Feels Better,
by Rosemary Wells (Kindergarten)
Wemberly Worried,
by Kevin Henkes (1st Grade)
Kissing Hand, The,
by Audrey Penn (2nd Grade)
Where Do Balloons Go?,
by Jamie Lee Curtis (3rd Grade)
Betty Doll,
by Patricia Polacco (4th Grade)
Freedom School, Yes!,
by Amy Littlesugar (5th Grade)
July: "Schools"
Look Out
Kindergarten Here I Come!, by Nancy Carlson (Kindergarten)
Froggy Goes to School,
by Jonathon London (1st Grade)
Never Ride
Your Elephant to School, by Doug Johnson (2nd Grade)
Library Dragon, The,
by Carmen Deedy (3rd Grade)
The Principal's New Clothes,
by Stephanie Calmenson (4th Grade)
Miss Nelson Is Back!,
by Harry Allard (5th Grade)
June: "Animals"
Brown Bear,
Brown Bear, What Do You See?, by Eric Carle (Kindergarten)
Hello, Red Fox,
by Eric Carle (1st Grade)
It's the Bear!,
by Jez Alborough (2nd Grade)
Rainbow Fish to the Rescue!,
by Marcus Pfister (3rd Grade)
Livingstone Mouse,
by Pamela Duncan (4th Grade)
Leah's Pony,
by Elizabeth Friedrich (5th Grade)
May: "Family"
With My Brother,
by Eileen Roe (Kindergarten)
Hannah's Baby Sister,
by Marisabina Russo (1st Grade)
Baby Sister for Frances, A,
by Russell Hoban (2nd Grade)
Chair For My Mother, A,
by Vera Williams (3rd Grade)
Babar and His Children,
by Jean de Brunhoff (4th Grade)
Poppa's New Pants,
by Angela Shelf Medearis (5th Grade)
April: "Environment"
Wind Says Good Night,
by Katy Rydell (Kindergarten)
Curious George
Goes to the Beach, by Margret Rey (1st Grade)
Big, Big Sea, The,
by Martin Waddell (2nd Grade)
My Mama
Had a Dancing Heart, by Libba Moore Gray (3rd Grade)
Whales' Song, The,
by Dyan Sheldon (4th Grade)
Brother Eagle, Sister Sky,
by Susan Jeffers (5th Grade)
March: "Positive Images of Women"
Does a Kangaroo
Have a Mother, Too?, by Eric Carle (Kindergarten)
Silly Sally,
by Audrey Wood (1st Grade)
Just Us Women,
by Jeannette Caines (2nd Grade)
Woman Who
Outshone the Sun, The, by Alejandro Cruz (3rd Grade)
Amber on the Mountain,
by Tony Johnston (4th Grade)
My Great-Aunt Arizona,
by Gloria Houston (5th Grade)
February: "Friendship"
Little Gorilla,
by Ruth Bornstein (Kindergarten)
by Don Freeman (1st Grade)
Slumber Party!,
by Judith Caseley (2nd Grade)
Wilson Sat Alone,
by Debra Hess (3rd Grade)
Bracelet, The,
by Yoshiko Uchida (1st Grade)
Friends from the
Other Side, by Gloria E. Anzaldua (5th Grade)
January: "Diversity"
Two Mrs. Gibsons,
by Touomi Igus (Kindergarten)
Families Are Different,
by Nina Pellegrini (1st Grade)
Abuela's Weave,
by Omar S. Castaneda (2nd Grade)
If a Bus Could Talk,
by Faith Ringgold (3rd Grade)
Storm Boy,
by Paul Owen (4th Grade)
Pink and Say,
by Patricia Polacco (5th Grade)
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |