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Please include Reading to Kids in your #GivingTuesday!
December 1, 2020

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

A brother and sister recreate a Reading to Kids reading club at home   A girl shows her craft she created while holding a Reading to Kids reading club at home

Back in March when the pandemic shut down our partner school campuses, two of the kids we serve didn't want to miss out on our March 14th "Music & Celebrations" reading clubs we had to cancel- so the morning of March 14th they recreated their own with their stuffed animals!

Click the above image on the left to see the brother reading aloud to his sister, and click on the above image on the right to see their crafts area they created, coloring in one of our posters for that month's reading clubs! They even created name tags!

Since May we have been reading aloud using Zoom. Charlene Fenton, Assistant Principal at Politi Elementary, recently sent us the following about our impact:

"It has been my great pleasure to host Reading to Kids book clubs for Leo Politi Elementary. I will always remember the first virtual meeting after the school closure. Students were so happy to see their grade level friends whom they hadn't seen for several weeks.

Hosting the Zoom is made so easy by the volunteers, who are always great. They make the books come alive and are very creative in how they interact with the students. The volunteers help students connect with the books by sharing their own experiences through discussions and scavenger hunts where students can share favorite items in their homes.

While I hope schools will open soon so we can meet with each other in person, I am so grateful to Reading to Kids for carrying on the second Saturday tradition for all of our students."

Please help the children we read to stay connected to each other and our volunteers through the love of reading - include Reading to Kids in your #GivingTuesday!

Reading to Kids Annual Fund Drive

To donate, just click the above image or this link to our 2020 Annual Fund Drive page, then click the yellow Donate button or mail us a check!

Contributions of any amount make a big difference to the families and schools we serve!

Also, if your workplace matches donations to nonprofits, please share with them your donation, and ask them to consider matching it. In this way you double your donation and share with others your enthusiasm for Reading to Kids!


Charlie Orchard & Talethe Jackson
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit www.readingtokids.org for more information.

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