Help kids stay connected through books by contributing to Reading
to Kids' 2020 Annual Fund Drive!
Each year, from the October to the December reading clubs, we ask our
supporters to help us inspire underserved children with a love of
reading by making a donation to Reading to Kids.
Reading to Kids has been able to thrive thanks to the thousands of
hours of participation by teachers, administrators, parents,
volunteers, and elementary school children
here for program statistics)
and thanks to generous financial contributions by foundations,
businesses, agencies, and individuals like you.
In May 1999, Reading to Kids held its
first reading club with 20 students and 8 volunteers at Gratts Elementary
School. Twenty one years later across eight elementary partner schools, an average of 287 Reading to Kids
volunteers read to 554 children each month up to February, with an average of 91 volunteers reading to 253 children since we began using Zoom in May!
Kids emerge from our program with more enthusiasm for
reading, books for their home library, stronger school libraries, personal
relationships with volunteers, and changed attitudes for reading in English! Reading to Kids appears to be one of the few extracurricular activities available to students right now.
To sustain and expand our program, we need
your help! Your donation will help to purchase hardcover books for
elementary school libraries in low-income communities, fund book donations
directly to children and parents to help them develop their own home libraries,
and expand our program into new schools and communities.
Please join us by donating to Reading to Kids today.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive, please feel free to
contact Charlie Orchard at the Reading to Kids office at (310)
479-7455 or by email at Charlie.Orchard @
Thank you for your support!
to Our 2020 Annual Fund Drive Participants! |
Aina Abad
Mary Abdo
Melissa Ablan Smyth
Jason Adams
Raymond Adams
Sana Ahmed
Michelle Ahnn
Jeanine Alberto
Alisa Alexander
Elizabeth Alexander
Guyanne Alexis
Camille Alick
Steph Allen
Karen Allen
Brooke Amaral
American Tower Corporation
Rene Amy
Paul & Mary Anderson
Alexandrina Andre
Anonymous (15)
Pamela Anton
Mary-Jo Apigo
Amy Applebaum on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Jeannie Arneson
Mary Auth
Holly Axe
Heather & Jason Axe
Denise & Edward Ayer
Karen Badon
Lulu Bailey
Brenda Baity
Brenda Barnes
Steve Baumgartner
Alyson Beckman
Carey Begbie Westerfield
Steven Beningo
Wendy Bennett
Erin Bentkowski
Kelly & Ronald Benton-Klein
Susan Berger
Kathryn Bergh
Michelle Bernarding
Nicole & Michael Best
Stephen Black
KenSue Blinkal
Bloom, Inc.
Blue Shield of California
Elizabeth Bluestein in honor of Jim Ostiller
Jeff Boehm
Ted Boyce
Sarah Boyd
Ben Bradbury
Jodi Breuer
Patricia Briggs
Heather Brooks
Marcia and Dennis Brooks
Patrick Brown
Anthony Brown
Jessica Brown-Clark
Julia Buck
Elle Buckle
Jana Burrus
Barrett Buss
Carlos Butler
Tammy Buulap
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation corporate matching gift
Tanya Carabio
Laura Carbajal
Ryan Chaffee
Kevin Chalk
Victor Chao
Jamie Chazen
Robyn Chew
Russ Chittenden
Jessica Chong
Ana Chua & Chad Shoemaker
Marci Cibella
Lauren Claire
Darrell Clark
Wanda Colar
Tomas Cookman
Rachel Corell & Adam Zelin
Robin Cresiski
Meredith Cruse
Steven Currie
Christopher Danby
Lesley Daniels
Leah David
Catherine Davis
Alan de Leon
Monica DeClercq
James DeKay
Roland Dela Pena
Joyce Delaney on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Anu Denduluri
Lor DG
Susan Diethorn
Ruth Mary & Alfonso Diy
Christine Doby
David Donahue
Seth Dorfman
Marqui Doria
Brianne Dowdall
Michele Downie
Gena Doyle
Tom Drahozal
Diane Duffy
Kay Duke
Damon Dunbar
Eric Dunlap
Ellen Dunlap
Kimberly Dunne on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Nikki Duplessis
Abagail Durkan-Simonds
Jill Durkin
Bill Eastman
Sarah Effinger
Ashley Eisenhauer
Tina Epstein
Ryan Erickson-Kulas
Mark Evans
Melinda Ezzo on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Fadell Family Foundation on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Jeremy Falcone
Katie Feifer
Sam Feldman
Raul Fernandez
Ashley Fick
Donald Fisher Sweetnam
Lorena Flores
Eileen Fogarty
Jessa Forsythe-Crane
Steven Frattarola
Addi Gaash
Bobby Garcia
Terri Gaydon
Hon. Dolly Gee on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Linda & Richard Geiger
Lisa Giaffo
Rebecca Gimple
Mary Goldberg
Marlo Goldstein on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Melody Goodman
Jeffrey Goodman
Heather Gorman on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Mechell Graham
Harley Grant
Catherine Gray
Breanne Grazer
Carol Green
Sarah Green
Lori Greenberg
Nathaniel Greene
Gloria Greengard
Mark Greenwood
Dana & Tom Grogan
Martin Gross
Christina Guevarra
Heather & Ryan Haight
Rebecca Hammon
Shaila Haque
Kirstin Harper-Smith
Rachel Harter
Nat Hawkins
Linda Hayes
Paul Heinzman
Jen Hendrickson
L. Bruce Hendrickson
David Hendryx
Veronica Herbert
Bernice Hernandez
Gina Heron
Joanna Hess
Suzanne & Lawrence Hess
Jocelyn Hewitt
Jeannette Hilgert
Marie Hillary
Cindy Ho
Kathy Ho
Casey Hogan
Ruby Hogue
Christine Holmes
Kenneth Hoo
Stephanie Horka
Heather Horn
Michelle Hovanetz
Alexea Howard
Sophia Hsieh
Wallace Huang
Charlene Huang
Gretchen Humbert
Helen & Hin Hung
Hung Family Charitable Fund in memory of Jim Ostiller
Shabnum & Ali Husain
Robert Inman
Jonathan Ito
Nicole Jabanoski
Talethe & Michael Jackson
Barbara Jacobs
Elise James
Joyce Jastrzab
Jennifer Jastrzab
Mona Javdan
Kyla Jblaise
Gregory Jeffers
Mary Jendrucko
Cora Johnson
Rita & Mark Johnson
Kim Johnson
Katie Jones
Matthew Jones
Andy & Nick Jones-Liang
Daniel Jude
Amelia Kacena
Bilal Kaiser
McKenzie Kaiser
Christopher Kalmen
Doug Kamin
Howard Kamins
Holly Kaplan
Amie Kashon
Pat Keeley
Jason Kennedy
Paul Keo
Karen & Gary Kessler on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Catherine Kim
Joanne Kirby
Karen Kirk
Diane Kirk
Karen Kiss
Juliana Kissick
Kleiner Cohen Foundation
Lynzee Klingman
Lisa Kodmur
Jo Koerner
Erica Kolsrud
Ingrid Koopman
Judith & Barry Kritzberg
Suzanne Kudirka
Paula Kuhns
Christine Kurek in honor of Jim Ostiller
Jennifer Kwok
Diane Lacopulos
Erick Lankey
Dan Lantz
Samuel Laskey
Katie Leb
Maggie Leung
Alexa Leyvas
Jenny Lin
Wendy Linderholm
Yuanyi Liu on behalf of Jodi Breuer
Niel Loeb
Jane Lofton
Connie Luc
Bryan Lucas
Gus Lynch
John Lyon
Natalia Mackevicius
Leah MacKinney-Buckley
Dan Mackowiak
The MacMorran Family
Susan Madden
Cheryl & Raymond Mahaffey
Lisa Mandel
Ernest Maningding
Claire Manneh on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Christina Mar
Vince Marano
Sam Mardyla
Nick Marini
Andrea Marks
Christopher Martin
Carole Martin
Raul Martinez
Tony Mastria
Diana Matsushima
Antonina Maxey
Craig May
Scott May
Mark May
Ken Mayne
Laura McDonald
Margaret McFadyen
Candice McFadyen
Lorraine McIntire
Kerrin McMahan
Jonathan Mead
Jose Mendez
Jennifer Messam
Callie Miller
Chris Miller
William Miller
Margarita Milnes
Shana & Jeff Mintz in memory of Jim Ostiller
Brian Mitchell
Mandisa Mitchell
Preema Modi
Amol Mody
Cynthia Montes
Jisun Moon
Michelle Moore
Lori Moose
Shelagh Moriarty
Greg Morishige
Kristy & Sean Morris
Theodora & Jerrold Morris
Julie Moskovitz
Leticia Najera
Sheryl Nakano
Nish Narayan
Vicky Nesia
Jordan Neysmith
Michael Ng
Karen Ng
Tina Nides
Andrew Nordin
Presilah Nunez
Jessica Nusbaum
Eileen O'Brien on behalf of Julia O'Brien
Faviola Ochoa
Phebe Ogami
Vicki Ohliger
Ana & Ali Oktay
Jami Olson
ON Semiconductor
Carrie & Charlie Orchard
Anne Oshetsky
Faith Oshita
Cathy Ostiller
Ryan Ostiller
Richard Ostiller
Kimberly Ostiller in honor of Jim Ostiller
Patricia Ostiller in honor of Jim Ostiller
Nick Ostiller in honor of Jim Ostiller
Karen Ostiller in honor of my father, Jim Ostiller
Rosemarie Ostiller in memory of Jim Ostiller
Pacific Asset Group NA
Lisandra Pagan-Malik
Grace Pai
Lisa Palombo on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Theresa Parilo
Emelia Pelliccio
Kylee Pena
Itzel Perez
David Perez
Tanya Perez
Dana Pero
Satya Persaud
April Peterson
Jane Pick
Peter Pierce on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Joseph Portillo
Kimberly Powers
Ramana Prakash
Margaret Proul
Andrew Provenzano
Toni Puccio-Johnson
Ahm Rama
Angie Ramey
Laura Ramirez
Joe Ramsey
Marlene & Michael Rapkin
Jane Rascoff
Sally Rau in honor of of Jim Ostiller
Annabelle Rea
Anne Ream
Michelle Reeves
Shayna Resnick
Andrea Reyes
Janiece Richard
Shannon Richard
David Rickard
Roger Rickard
Heather and Herb Rim
Kathryn Ritchie
Susan Ritter
Jackie Rivera
Margaret Robinette
Maribel Rocha
Raquel Rodriguez
Glenn Rossney
Amanda Roth
Kathy Rowe
Mariel Rubio
Rienna Rushing
Nicole Ryan on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Shelagh Saenz
Karoline Saffi
Barbara & Evan Salop
Roz Salzman
Wingo Sam
Nicola San Juan
Melissa Sanders
Emily Sandersfeld
Tina Sanderson
Meera Sanghani
Tom & Rebecca Santry in memory of Bev Vinsky
Jeff Sargeant
Jennifer Sarkissian
Amanda Scarano & Jeff Carter
Tom Schneider
Ann Schwab
Genese Scott
Jacqueline Scrivens
May Sebel
Prince Selvage III
Bill Shadle
Briana Sharp
Ben Shields
Joanne Shimada
Kristin & Rich Shimano
Susan Shioya
Penny Siedlecki Tucker
Ruth Sievert
Carrie Silvano
Aldana Smith
Andrea Smoot
Court Smythe
Tamara Sobel
Sheila Soldivillo Gilbert
Laurie St. Clare
Julia Stalder
Heather Stillman
Stephanie Suntwanuparp
Susan Suyeyoshi
Noelle Swanson
David Sykora
Roxanne Sylora
Armin Szatmary
Ashley Tabaddor
Sabrina Tadić
Robert Talbot
Stephen Taylor
Lindsay Taylor
Kathleen Teal
Lourdes Teh
Stephanie Thai
Peter Thaler
Michelle & Tyler Theobald
Kelsey Thomas
Esther Thomas
Stan Thompson
Morgan Thrower
Cece Tio
Julie To
Josh Toll
Jon Tomlin
Michelle Toscas
Tr3ybrooks' Store
Dave Trifiletti
Jessica Tritsch
Kim Truong
Jerry Tung
Andrew Vahey
Jaanhvi Vaidya
E. Vida Valderrama Jackson
Michele Van Gelderen on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Michelle Varkey
Ann Vasquez
Debbie Vassil
Tulia Vazquez Montes
Joy Vest
Ceal Vignovich
Michele Villagran
Alexandra Vo
Kincaid Walker
Alice Walker
Laura Walker
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Janet Webb
Weber Charitable Fund on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Wendy Weiss on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Brittany Wexler
Patrick White
Jackie Wilcox
Jennifer Willis
Kori Wilson
Ayaba Wilson
Ray Wisbrock
Shelbs Wong
Susan Wong
Leanna Wood
Alexandra Wyzgoski
Jennie Yamaki
Lijie Yang
Bob Yee
Wai Lin Yip
Elizabeth Yoon
Susan Yoshimura
Courtney Young
Rory Zacher
Ruth Zeitzew on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Louise Zeitzew on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Sandra Zeitzew on behalf of Jim Ostiller
Betsy Zimbalist
David Zimbalist
Annemarie & Richard Zimmerman
If your name should be included in this list, please
contact us at info @ to let us know.
to Participate |
• |
Donate by check: |
click here to submit a pledge form to
Reading to Kids
and then mail your donation to:
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
• |
Donate Online via PayPal: (no PayPal account required) |
If using the PayPal app on your phone, send money to
• |
More Donation
Options... |
Click here
to review more donation options, including (1) setting up a
recurring credit card donation, (2) listing items for
sale on eBay with some of the proceeds going to Reading to
(3) registering your grocery store club cards through
eScrip and Ralphs, and
(4) registering for FREE with Amazon Smile to donate 0.5% of your purchases to Reading to
• |
Help us Fundraise! |
Supporters who would like to encourage family and friends to
donate to Reading to Kids can use our
Reading to Kids
donor sheet OR
Fundraise for us on Facebook.
Click here for additional fundraising materials, including a
sample email to send to family and friends!
Can Your Dollars Buy? |
Here are some examples* of how your
contribution can make a difference in the lives of the young
readers we work with each month:
$5 |
4 take-home prize books for
participating kids |
$18 |
15 take-home prize books for
participating kids |
$50 |
hardcover read-aloud books |
$125 |
100 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$250 |
20 hardcover read aloud books
$400 |
1 month worth of
read-aloud books at one school
$625 |
500 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$850 |
All of the reading club expenses
(books, supplies, and food) for month of reading clubs at
one school |
$1,250 |
1,000 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$10,000 |
All of the reading club expenses
(books, supplies, and food) for one year of reading clubs at
one school |
*Note: All prices
and purchases are approximations that illustrate
the cost of these items for Reading to Kids.
Special thanks to our top
fundraiser Angels in 2020! |
Matthew Jones
(81 Donors, $7,123)
Mariel Rubio
(6 Donors, $315)
Emily Sandersfeld
(9 Donors, $350)
Mark May
(43 Donors, $7,165)
Vicky Nesia
(8 Donors, $225)
Andrea Smoot
(9 Donors, $340)
Prince Selvage
(8 Donors, $298)
Susan Jendrucko
(4 Donors, $160)