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Reading to Kids 2019 Annual Fund Drive!
Reading Club Photos
Our goal is to raise $60,000 from 600 donors.

Totals to date:
$68,194 from 603 donors

After 20 years and more than 255,000 books, help us tell stories for the next 20 years by making a contribution to Reading to Kids' 2019 Annual Fund Drive!

Each year, from the October to the December reading clubs, we ask our supporters to help us inspire underserved children with a love of reading by making a donation to Reading to Kids.

Reading to Kids has been able to thrive for 20 years thanks to the thousands of hours of participation by teachers, administrators, parents, volunteers, and elementary school children
(click here for program statistics) and thanks to generous financial contributions by foundations, businesses, agencies, and individuals like you.

In May 1999, Reading to Kids held its first reading club with 20 students and 8 volunteers at Gratts Elementary School. Twenty years later, on average, 314 Reading to Kids volunteers read to 584 children each month at eight elementary schools! 

Kids emerge from our program with more enthusiasm for reading, books for their home library, stronger school libraries, personal relationships with volunteers, and changed attitudes for reading in English!

In order to sustain and expand our program, we need your help!  Your donation will help to purchase hardcover books for elementary school libraries in low-income communities, fund book donations directly to children and parents to help them develop their own home libraries, and expand our program into new schools and communities.

Please join us by making a donation to Reading to Kids.

If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive, please feel free to contact Charlie Orchard at the Reading to Kids office at (310) 479-7455 or by email at Charlie.Orchard @

Thank you for your support!

Thanks to Our 2019 Annual Fund Drive Participants!
Mary Abdo
Pete Abraham
Raymond Adams
Sana Ahmed
Jeanine Alberto
Beth Alexander
Lashell Alexander
Muhammad Ali
Camille Alick
Victoria Allen
John Alvarado
Brooke Amaral
Sean Ambrose
Paul Anderson
Orletha Anderson
Tracy Andreen
Anonymous (8)
Pamela Anton
Linda Antonioli
Mireya Arias
Jeannie Arneson
Lana Ascha
Mary Auth
Holly Axe
Heather & Jason Axe
Karen Badon
Curtis Bailey
Jacob Bakke
Mariya Baklanova
Martha Balkan
Brenda Barnes
Kristi Barron
Karli Baumgardner
Steve Baumgartner
Sheri Bazar
David Bell
Julia Bender
Steve Bennet
Anike Berde
Susan Berger
Kathryn Bergh
Kristen Berry
Paul Bielma
Joshua Bissell
April Blaker
Jennifer Blanco
Elizabeth Bluestein
Micki Boden
Jeff Boehm
Kat Boyd
Olivia Boyd
Dalet Brady
Ken Breitag
Bob Brennand
Carolyn Broner
Heather Brooks
$66,175 593 Marcia & Dennis Brooks
Sharon Brown
Anthony Brown
Patrick Brown
Julia Buck
Anthony Burch
Jesse Burke
Emelie Burnette
Alyssa Calderon
David Callahan
Naiya Campbell
Mary Beth Canty
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation corporate matching gift program
Laura Carbajal
Ashley Casiano
Racheal Caswell
Jonathan Chaalan
Ryan Chaffee
Ann Chaffey
Otto Chan
Victor Chao
Charlotte Char
Bryan Chau
Neha Chawla
Jamie Chazen
Charles Chen
Victoria Chen
Brad Chestnut
Jennifer Cheung
Robyn Chew
Russell Chittenden
Jessica Chong
Paul Chung
Ryan Churchill
Marci Cibella
Alison Coen
Lindsay Cohen
Peter Cohen
Wanda Colar
Ladora Colon
Robert Coombs
Rachel Corell
Darrel Cory
Mia Cramer
Molly Creeden
Criteria Corp
Meredith Cruse
Patricia Cruz
Joe Cupka
Symie Dahut
Lucia Daisog
Chris Danby
Yma Dandridge
Thom Daniels
Mike de Jung
Dina Delong
Natasha Desai
Monica Destefano
Amy Dietz
Corinne Digiaimo
Alfonso Diy
Seth Dorfman
Marqui Doria
Michele Downie
Tom Drahozal
Ree Drummond
Roelisa Dudang
Ellen Dunlap
Eric Dunlap
Kara Dunlevy
Ryanne Dunning
Jessica Dunning
Percy Duran
Jill Durkin
Sarah Effinger
Marillyn Ehbrecht
Ellie Emoto
Tormod Engvig
Ryan Erikson-Kulas
Samantha Erin-Barragar
etaylor99's Store
Brendan Ethredge
Angenica Eusebio
Mark Evans
Evangeline Everly
Tiffany Ezuma
Sydney Fanning
Robert Feinstein
Raul Fernandez
Donald Fisher Sweetnam
Rosalia Flores
Judith Flores
Rebecca Flores Stella
Charles Flowers
Eileen Fogarty
Sarah Fones
Jessa Forsythe-Crane
Dan Foster
Steven Frattarola
Kimm Freisner
Addi Gaash
Crystal Garcia
Rachel Gariepy
Darlene Gaston
Andrew Gelfeld
Douglas Gelfeld
Kankana Ghoshal
Lisa Giaffo
Leslie Gill Daniels
Ingrid Gillming
Irene Girton
Kevin Giser
Jill Goerdt
Stuart Goldblatt
Melissa Goodman
Melody Goodman
Jeffrey Goodman
Alex & Chrissy Governatori
Jennifer Grannis
Hector Gray
Brandon Greeley
Christian Green
Jake Greener
Gloria Greengard
Mark Greenwood
John Guerin
Luke Guerin
Christina Guevarra
Denise & Oliver Guevarra
Heather Haight
Rebecca Hammon
Theresa Hancock
Mike Hanley
Kirstin Harper-Smith
Gordon Hart
Nat Hawkins
Jennifer Heine
Mark Heinrichs
Paul Heinzman
Kasey Hemphill
Dava and Bruce Hendrickson
Jen Hendrickson
Crystal Hermond
Bernice Hernandez
Lucy Herzog
Suzanne & Lawrence Hess
Joanna Hess
Marie Hillary
Paddy Hirsch
Kathleen Ho
Casey Hogan
Zion Holmes
Ken Hoo
Tomoko Horie
Heather Horn
Phyllis Horning
Matthew Housman
Ani Hovanessian
Sophia Hsieh
Wallace Huang
Gretchen Humbert
Helen & Hin Hung
Susan Hunt
Shabnum & Ali Husain
Harlan Huynh
Robert Inman
Tara Ison
Jonathan Ito
Talethe & Michael Jackson
Barbara Jacobs
Sue Jagodzinski
Arpit Jain
Jaesung Jang
Jennifer Jastrzab
Joyce Jastrzab
Mona Javdan
Sandy Johnson
Brhitsy Johnson
Tiara Johnson
Barbara & Robert Johnston
Katie Jones
Matthew Jones
Pamela Jones
Andy & Nick Jones-Liang
James Jovanovich
Sebastien Jutras
Ho Ka Wai
Amelia Kacena
Bilal Kaiser
Doug Kamin
Howard Kamins
Isabella Kanjanapangka
Shamir Kapadia
Holly Kaplan
Klara Karapetian
Annie Kashon
Pat Keeley
Amy Keller
Regan & Scott Kemper
Jason Kennedy
Becca Kennedy
Jason Kenniston
Paul Keo
Aanchal Khaneja
Jennifer Kim
Gary King
Christine King
Steve Kirk
David Paul Kirkpatrick
Karen Kiss
Kleiner Cohen Foundation
Ann Ko
Todd Koerner
Josephine Koerner
Dylan Kohler
Erica Kolsrud
Armon Kolver
Nicole Kong
Enerel Koomthong
Ingrid Koopman
Alexis Krasilovsky
Judith & Barry Kritzberg
Irma Kroneman
Paula Kuhns
Angela Kurdzhukyan
Denise La Lande
Deborah LaFranchi & Ken Mayne
Karen Landaverde
Erick Lankey
Dan Lantz
Shirley Lantz
Lisane Lapointe
Shayna Lauren
Katie Leb
Stacy Lee
Nakia Lee
Teresa Lee
Skylar Lenox
Maggie Leung
Alexa Leyvas
Ary Liang
Jeanyi Lin
Karlyn & Tom Lind
Wendy Linderholm
Josten Liu
Jane Lofton
Andrea Loney
Hortencia Lopez
Isaac Lopez III
Judy Low
Jiali Lu
Patricia Lumb
Neva Lundy
Kathleen Lungren Jobe & Ousman Jobe
Chris Luttrell
Jessica Lutz
Gus Lynch
Maria Lynch
John Lyon
Elyse Lyons
Leah Mackinney-Buckley
Dan Mackowiak
Susan Madden
Maverick Madison
Marian Maldonado-Pagan
Marlise Malkames & Peter Pampusch
Lisa Mandel
Christina Mar
Vince Marano
Lynlea Marino
Muffy Marracco
Christopher Martin
Carole Martin
Raul Martinez
Daniel Martinez
Valissa Martinez
Melissa Mason
Tony Mastria
Brian Matakis
Mark May
H. Michael May
Patrick McDivitt
Sean McDonell
Lorraine McIntire
Lisa Marie McLaughlin
Jonathan Mead
Shannon Meehan
Komal Mehta
Jose Mendez
Sergio Mendoza
Susan Merzbach
Jenny Messam
Mira Metry
JJ Michaels
Callie Miller
Max Minniti
Brian Mitchell
Claire Mitchell
Thessa M'Loe
Amol Mody
Som Mohanty
Cynthia Montes
Dave Moorman
Lori Moose
Shelagh Moriarty
Greg Morishige
Keiyana Morris
Kristy & Sean Morris
Theodora & Jerrold Morris
Julie Moskovitz
Mackenzie Mulder
Mike Muscat
Michael Muson
Christina Musrey
Sheryl Nakano
Nish Narayan
Karlyn Nelson
Harry Ness
Idahosa Ness
Jordan Neysmith
Cecilia Nguyen
Doanh-Dalena Nguyen
Tina Nides
Patrick Nolan
Andrew Nordin
Presilah Nunez
Julia O'Brien
Rose Ochoa
Rosie Ochoa
Kjersti Oconnell
Drew Oconnell
Grant O'Connell
Ana & Ali Oktay
Aurora Olaya
Jami Olson
Carrie & Charlie Orchard
Marjorie Ornston
Anne Oshetsky & David Clark
Cathy Ostiller
James & Rosemarie Ostiller
Rick Ostiller
Karen Ostiller
Steven Ostiller
Sandra Oyeneyin
Angela Padian
Damiel Padilla
Lisandra Pagan-Malik
Michael Panos
Cheyenne Parker
Yatin Parkhani
Nancy Paulding
PayPal Giving Fund
Michaela Pelayo
Kylee Pena
Natasha Peralta
Nidia Peralta
Michael Peretzian
David Perez
Dana Pero
Kimberly Perplies
Michael Peterson
Linda Peterson
Jane Pick
Lauri Pierik
Kimberly Powers
Ramana Prakash
Andy Provenzano
Martin Pryor
Antoinette & Roger Puccio-Johnson
David Purington
Jazmine Quinones
R Gomez Quinones
Emily & Jarrod Quon-King
Michael Raley
Joe Ramsey
Diane Randgaard
Rapkin Family Charitable Fund
Michael Ratner
Annabelle Rea
Shalini Reddy & Ramana Prakash
Reed Family Foundation
Michelle Reeves
Kelly Reilly
Sue Rensi Raab
Daniela Renzo
Shayna Resnick
Andrea Reyes
Janiece Richard
David Rickard
Roger Rickard
Heather & Herbert Rim
Kathryn Ritchie
Susan Ritter
Jackie Rivera
Raquel Rodriguez
Rose Hills Foundation matching gift program
Glenn Rossney
Amanda Roth
Mariel Rubio
Erin Russell
Corey Ruth
Karoline Saffi
Shannon Saldin
Evan Salop
Roz Salzman
Nicola San Juan
Kaleigh Sanchez
Melissa Sanders
Emily Sandersfeld
Heather Sangria
SAP Software Solutions
Jennifer Sarkissian
Eileen Scahill
Amanda Scarano & Jeff Carter
Lynette Scheid
Kaitlin Schluter
Ann Schwab
Genese Scott
Prince Selvage
Natalie Selvage
Linda Serviss
Ina Setiadji
Bill Shadle
Dia Shaffer
Ruchira Shah
Neil Shah
Bijal Shah
Al Shaikh
Susan Shapiro
Briana Sharp
Ben Shields
Joanne Shimada
Kristin & Rich Shimano
Emmie Shimoda
Susan Shioya
Becky Silverman
Lyle Skosey
Daphne Slater-Yemofio
Dave Sloan
Aldana Smith
Jen Smith
Tamara Sobel
Marco Solis
Lars Sorensen
Dolores Sotelo
Laurie St. Clare
Julia Stalder
John Stavrakos
Jeffrey Steinka
Zoe & William Stubbeman
Pragash Suntharamoorthy
Noelle Swanson
Karen Swichtenberg
Brianna Swift
David Sykora
Roxanne Sylora
Marilyn & Armin Szatmary
Ashley Tabaddor
Nicole Tam Goldberg
Tami Tarnow & David Freedland
Carla Tassara
Terri Taylor
Steve Taylor
Kathy & Dave Teal
Lourdes Teh
Stephanie & Cam Thai
Peter Thaler
Clarissa Thibeaux
Kevin Thibodeaux
Stanley Thompson
Martin Thompson
Morgan Thrower
Theodore Tiangco
Theodore Tiangco
Jonathan Tomlin
Kara Topacio
Sarah Jo Torgrimson
Mary Torre
William Tortu
Lynn Tran
Jason Tran
Larrissa Trevino
Kate & David Trifiletti
Devon Turner
Warren Usui
Andrew Vacaflor
Andrew Vahey
Jaanhvi Vaidya
Vida Valderrama Jackson
Michele Van Gelderen
Alan Vantoai
Tulia Vazquez Montes
Ketsia Vedrine
Marina Veloz
Ann Verkuilen
Joy Vest
Ceal Vignovich
Celeste Voce
Katie von Till
Jean Vondras
Kendra Walker
Kevin Walsh
Stephanie Walthall
Janet Webb
Hilary Wheeless
Patrick White
Clayton White
Jackie Wilcox
Aletha Wild
Jen Willis
Chris Wilson
Kori Wilson
Jeff Winikow
Sarah Winningham
Kevin Winters
Ray Wisbrock
Wonderful Giving
Sachi Wong
Shelby Wong
Susan Wong
Leanna Wood
Julia Xu
Jennie Yamaki
Lijie Yang
Robert Yee
Sarah Yoo
Elizabeth Yoon
Susan Yoshimura
Laurie Young
Allison Yu
Rory Zacher
Manuel Zamora
Jason Zelin
Betsy Zimbalist
Annemarie & Richard Zimmerman
Bryan Zvibleman
If your name should be included in this list, please contact us at info @ to let us know.
Click for all* donors in 2019. 
(Please note that the 2019 list may not yet show recent Annual Fund Drive contributors.)

 How to Participate

Donate by check:
  Please click here to submit a pledge form to Reading to Kids and then mail your donation to:
  Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Donate Online via PayPal:
(no PayPal account required)
More Donation Options...
  Click here to review more donation options, including (1) setting up a recurring credit card donation,
(2) listing items for sale on eBay with some of the proceeds going to Reading to Kids,
(3) registering your grocery store club cards through eScrip and Ralphs, and
(4) registering for FREE with Amazon Smile to donate 0.5% of your purchases to Reading to Kids!

Help us Fundraise!
  Supporters who would like to encourage family and friends to donate to Reading to Kids can use our Reading to Kids donor sheet OR Fundraise for us on Facebook.

Click here for additional fundraising materials, including a sample email to send to family and friends!

 What Can Your Dollars Buy?

Here are some examples* of how your contribution can make a difference in the lives of the young readers we work with each month:
$5 4 take-home prize books for participating kids
$18 15 take-home prize books for participating kids
$50 4 hardcover read-aloud books
$125 100 take-home prize books for participating kids
$250 20 hardcover read aloud books
$400 1 month worth of read-aloud books at one school
$625 500 take-home prize books for participating kids
$850 All of the reading club expenses (books, supplies, and food) for month of reading clubs at one school
$1,250 1,000 take-home prize books for participating kids
$10,000 All of the reading club expenses (books, supplies, and food) for one year of reading clubs at one school
*Note: All prices and purchases are approximations that illustrate the cost of these items for Reading to Kids
Special thanks to our top
fundraiser Angels in 2019!

Become a Reading to Kids Angel by gathering at least 5 donations!

Matthew Jones
(63 Donors, $8,473)

Mark May
(40 Donors, $6,689)

Prince Selvage
(8 Donors, $365)

Jen Hendrickson
(7 Donors, $315)

Emily Sandersfeld
(7 Donors, $300)

Check back soon for more Angels to be listed here!