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Reading to Kids News
August 27, 2020

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

As a new school year begins, we wanted to share this one look back from the 5th grade graduations in June at our partner schools.

Esperanza 5th grader's favorite memory includes Reading to Kids
Esperanza 5th grader's favorite memories

Some of our partner schools held their 5th grade graduation ceremonies via Zoom. Click on the image above to see what Esperanza Principal Brad Rumble shared with our Site Coordinator Mark May of a favorite memory one child posted!



Volunteers at White Elem. being silly on Zoom
Volunteers at White Elem. being silly on Zoom

We are still recruiting teachers to be Zoom hosts for our September 12th virtual reading clubs.

As soon as we confirm enough teacher hosts, anyone who has volunteered with us at any past reading clubs will be able to submit an RSVP on our home page for those "Back to School Fun" reading clubs.

So, please keep checking www.readingtokids.org to see if you can submit an RSVP!



Volunteers checking in with their Site Coordinators on Zoom

For our virtual reading clubs we need experienced volunteers to help train volunteers to use Zoom or be a second or third virtual Site Coordinator in our Zoom reading clubs for any of our schools.

Being a Site Coordinator guarantees you a (non-reading) spot at our next reading clubs, so please e-mail us at info@readingtokids.org if you can help us create wonderful reading clubs!


One of our new volunteers awaiting the return of our face-to-face reading clubs, Annie Hoashi, has created chapter book read-aloud videos!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway video image

Click on the image above to hear her read aloud the first part of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway, or click on this link to her page with her reading aloud the entire book!

Then read on below for how you can become a Reading to Kids star by creating your own videos for the kids!



When I Grow Up I Want to be Me video image

Want to bring the joy of reading to the kids at our partner schools while everyone is staying safe at home? Then create and share your own read-aloud videos that end with a craft!

We're especially looking for videos of 4th and 5th grade "chapter books". We'd like to keep reading alive with the older kids by intriguing them with longer books we have read to them. You may only read aloud the first 40 pages or so, just as we do at our reading clubs.

Similar to all the videos we feature on our webpage for kids and parents, we'd like to feature your videos that the kids at our partner schools can find at that webpage.

Click this link for all of our tips and which books to read aloud, including tips from Chris Martin when he created his Oh, the Places You'll Go! video! Click the image below to jump to their crafts portion.

Oh, the Places You'll Go! craft image

Thanks very much!


Charlie Orchard & Talethe Jackson
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

SEPTEMBER Books. . .
Kindergarten book
First Grade book
First Grade
Second Grade book
Second Grade
Third Grade book
Third Grade
Fourth Grade book
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade book
Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit www.readingtokids.org for more information.

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