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Read-Aloud Videos icon     Activity Videos icon     Books icon     Online Activities icon      Crafts icon

Kids and parents!

Click here for read-aloud videos, activity videos,
electronic and audio books, online activities, and crafts!

Click here for our reading clubs calendar for this school year!

Featured Read-Aloud Videos
K-2nd grade
3-5th grade

Goodnight, Goodnight
Construction Site

Charlotte's Web
(Read by several of our volunteers!)
(Chapters 1-7 above)

Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?

Iggy Peck and the Mysterious Mansion
(Read by three of our volunteers,
each section ends with a craft!)
(Chapters 1-6 above,
Chapters 7-13 can be watched here.)

Elephant Dance

The Absolute Value of Mike
(Read by three of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(Pages 1-33 above)

A Seed Is Sleepy

Frank Einstein and the Electro-Finger
(Read by three of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(Chapters 1-9 above)

Octopus Alone

(Read by several of our volunteers!)
(Pages 1-40 above, the rest of the book
can be heard here.)

The Paper Bag Princess

The Phantom Tollbooth
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(The rest of the book is
at this playlist.)

Thunder Cake
(Our Program Coordinator's
favorite book!)

The Little Prince
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be Me
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

Fantastic Mr. Fox
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(Chapters One through Ten above,
rest of the book can be heard here.)

Tar Beach
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

Mr. Popper's Penguins
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(Chapters One through Six above,
more of the book at this playlist.)

The Storybook Knight

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(Read by one of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)
(Chapters One through Six above,
rest of the book at this playlist.)

Panda Bears
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

From the Mixed-up Files of
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler


People Use the Environment
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

George's Secret Key to the Universe
(Chapter One above,
rest of the book at this playlist.)

Lost Homework
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

Enemy Pie


The Good Egg
(read by one of our volunteers!)

Fantastic Beasts and
Where to Find Them


Food Comes From the Sun
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

Marine Mammals
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

How We Can Help the Earth?
(read by two of our volunteers,
ends with a craft!)

The House on Mango Street


(read by two of our volunteers
and their dogs, ends with a craft!)

Blizzard of the Blue Moon
(Magic Tree House #36)


A Penguin Story
(read by one of our volunteers
and includes a craft!)

The Night of Las Posadas


Brick Who Found Herself
in Architecture

(read by one of our volunteers who
works at the LA Conservancy,
includes a craft!)

Big Nate Goes for Broke
(Chapters 1-4)


The World is Not a Rectangle:
A Portrait of Architect Zaha Hadid

(read by one of our volunteers who
works at the LA Conservancy,
includes a craft!)

How to Train Your Dragon


A House That Once Was
(read by one of our volunteers who
works at the LA Conservancy,
includes a craft!)

Bridge to Terabithia
(Chapter One above,
click here for Chapter 2)


Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Oh, The Places You'll Go!
This is a great book for kids and adults of all ages, read aloud by two of our volunteers and their dogs!
Just like we do at our reading clubs, after reading the book they include a great craft starting at 13:52!

The Bears Vacation
read aloud by Spiderman!

The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash


The Little Engine That Could
read by Dolly Parton

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(Chapters One and Two)

The Knight and The Dragon

The Clown of God
In honor of Tomie dePaola, who wrote and/or illustrated
the four above and nine other books we have read aloud.

Mary Steenburgen reading
Strega Nona: An Old Tale

Adelita: A Mexican Cinderella Story


Astronaut Kathleen Rubins
reading Rosie Revere, Engineer
in space!

Arrow to the Sun


The Book with No Pictures

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

There's a Monster at the End of this Book

Zinnia and the Bees
[return to top of page]

Check out the below list of read-aloud videos,
activity videos, electronic and audio books,
online activities, and crafts!

Read-Aloud Videos icon Read-Aloud Videos Read-Aloud Videos icon

StoryLine Online

Kid Time Story Time (YouTube)

The Big List of Children's Authors Doing Online Read-Alouds & Activities

Our 4th-5th Grade Chapter Books Playlist (YouTube)

Todd Parr reads his books for young children (YouTube)

Story Time from Space
(astronauts reading aloud while in space!)

Save With Stories (Instagram)
(celebrities reading children's books)

"Goodnight With Dolly" (YouTube)
(Dolly Parton reading aloud)

Mondays with Michelle Obama (YouTube)
(read-aloud videos on PBS Kids YouTube channel)

Books Read Aloud to therapy dogs Andy and Grant (YouTube)

Mrs. P's Magic Library
Kathy Kinney (Mimi on The Drew Carey Show)
reading aloud both macabre and heartwarming books.
Classic stories read aloud by Mrs. P
(with other fun activities, too)
Mrs. P's YouTube channel

Places + People: A Book List for Kids
(books read aloud by one of our volunteers who works at the LA Conservancy,
and each includes a craft or activity!)

Online Storytime (The Indianapolis Public Library)

KidLit TV Read Out Loud

The StoryTime Family (YouTube)

Authors Everywhere (YouTube)
(authors reading from their books, and some make crafts, too!)

Reading Rainbow former host LeVar Burton reading live online (free ebooks, too)

"Weasel Wednesday" with Kidspace Children's Museum (Facebook)
(weasel book read-alouds, crafts, and activities)

[return to top of list]

Activity Videos icon Activity Videos Activity Videos icon

(movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts)

PBS for Kids videos, exercises, and games

Club SciKidz science lessons and activities

Beanstalk science and art activities

(virtual theme park with science games and videos)

Amarillo, Verde, Y Azul
(ecofriendly crafts and activities)

ALMA Observatory in Chile
(astronomy activities, lessons, & fun videos)

[return to top of list]

Books icon Free Electronic and Audio Books Books icon

Children's Online Library

Biblioteca en línea para niños

Audible Stories: Free Audiobooks for Kids | Audible.com

Over 1,000 of Wilbooks' Pre-K through 3rd grade books free to read online

Amazing list of 350 books read aloud
by our supporters at the Pacific Life Insurance Company,
with links to most of the books also available for free online!

[return to top of list]

Online Activities icon Online Activities Online Activities icon

Caring for Each Other | Sesame Street

Plaza Sesamo

Scholastic Learn at Home: Free Resources for School Closures

Learning at Home Resources for Primary Grades (PreK-2)

Learning at Home Resources for Intermediate Grades (3-5)

NASA at Home -- For Kids and Families | NASA


Matemáticas Visuales

Hippocampus educational videos and simulations

9 Free Online Educational Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy

Simple STEM Activities To Do At Home
(STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

Ultimate Guide to Free Reading and Literacy Resources
(Written by Carly Hallman)

[return to top of list]

Crafts icon Crafts Crafts icon

Live Drawing Tutorials with Mo Willems,
author of Elephant and Piggy, daily at 10am PST

#DrawWithRob draw-along videos
by Rob Biddulph, children's author and illustrator

Comic book creation sheets

Pinterest Children's craft ideas

Art for Kids Hub (YouTube)

This Writer's Life, by author Danielle Davis (YouTube)
(One of our volunteer's channel for 8 to 12-year-olds,
guiding them through creative writing concepts and activities)

[return to top of list]

(Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com)