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Reading to Kids News
June 23, 2011

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

Today is the last day to purchase books at any Barnes & Noble store, or online, using our special code to benefit Reading to Kids -- 10477966. Buy yourself a fun beach read, and while you're at it, don't forget the people you care about on your holiday gift list.

A special thank you to everyone who participated in our Readathon last Saturday! It was a ton of fun.



We'd like to thank the Yahoo! Employee Foundation for their generous $12,000 grant. This was made possible by Reading to Kids volunteer Lisa Giafflo who championed our grant from the beginning. She even called from Albania at 4:15am to participate in our final interview! Thank you Lisa and Yahoo!



It's our biggest, most exciting event of the year. Join fellow Reading to Kids volunteers for a night of laughter and a great silent auction. Get your tickets now!

Wednesday, July 20th
Tickets are $35 (includes dinner in the showroom)
6:00pm Silent Auction opens
6:30pm Dinner service begins
7:45pm Showtime!

To see the line up, guest list, and silent auction items click here, or check out our event on Facebook.  If you have anything you can donate to our Silent Auction, please respond to this email.  

Thanks, and we hope you buy a book today!


Karen Kiss and Skylar Lenox
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

In this issue . . .
 - Bookfair Last Day
 - Thank you Yahoo!
 - Comedy Benefit Tickets On Sale Now
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JULY 2011
Reading Club RSVPs
School RSVPs Capacity
Alta Loma 30 30
Gratts 25 25
Los Angeles 38 38
Magnolia 36 36
Politi 30 30
White 28 28
TOTAL 187 187
July Books. . .


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.

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