Volunteer spots are all filled for August clubs!  Please check back for openings.
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Weekly Update
October 5, 2009

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

132 volunteers are still needed for the October 10th Halloween, Mysteries, and Magic Reading Clubs.  We anticipate hundreds of excited kids this Saturday!  With titles like The Pumpkin Goblin  Makes Friends and Cirque Du Freak Saturday can't get here fast enough for the students at our schools.  And as we do every year, we have a great lineup of magicians to entertain the kids (and volunteers) with great tricks and treats! 

If you are already signed up, please feel free to bring a friend or two to the clubs!  Make sure to have them fill out an online application and RSVP first, then bring them to your school with you.

Please SIGN UP today for the October 10th Reading Clubs!


Bring $5 For the Drive

$5 can get you many things these days.  A venti, non-fat, 3 pump, no whip, mocha at Starbucks, for example.  Or you can buy half of a movie ticket. Of course the popcorn and drinks will cost you extra.

$5 is also what it costs for Reading to Kids to purchase 4 take-home prize books for children who participate in our monthly reading clubs.  These books allow kids to create home libraries that encourage their love of reading, build strong foundations of literacy, and keep them coming back month after month to the reading clubs.

We thank you in advance for supporting Reading to Kids and the 2009 Annual Fund Drive.  

Bring $5 and this Donor Form to the October 10th Reading Clubs!
Or if you can't make it to the Reading Clubs this month, donate here.




  Lisa Flores and Rachel Zwass
  Reading to Kids
  1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
  Los Angeles, CA  90025
  (310) 479-7455
  (310) 479-7435 (FAX) 

  Make a donation: 

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October 10
Reading Club RSVP
School RSVPs Capacity

Alta Loma

61 65


61 97


81 81


61 84
Los Angeles


Magnolia  105 110
Politi 46 81


TOTAL 530 662

October Books. . .


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.

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