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Weekly Update
October 4, 2005    

Dear Friends,
It is that time of year again, where we set out to raise money for Reading to Kids.  As always, we turn to you, our dedicated volunteers and supporters, to help in the effort -- not just in soliciting donations, but also with your own financial support.
In the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it may be easy for some to feel tapped out both financially and emotionally.  However, it's important in these times to remember the needs that exist in our own backyard.  It's also important to remember that it's very easy to help -- for the price of two Starbucks coffees, a movie ticket, or a couple of tins of Altoids, you can help us inspire kids with a love of reading.
Of course, we are extremely grateful for all that you already do!  Our volunteer readers are our greatest and most valuable asset, and we appreciate the hours that you give us every month.  But if you can spare $5, $10 or even a little more, you can help ensure that we'll be here for the long haul, helping kids grab a better hold of their futures.  We would not have made it over the last six years without your support and loyalty.  And we look forward to working with you to build a brighter future for the children, families, and schools we serve.

You are so valuable to us as volunteers, and we would be honored to count you among our donors as well. Please consider participating in our Annual Fund Drive and helping this organization grow. 

To join your fellow volunteers in donating to Reading to Kids, click here.  Please remember that no donation is too small to make a difference, so please give what you can. 

Thank you, and we hope to see you at the reading clubs this weekend.  To sign up to read this Saturday, please click here.

Warmest Regards and Appreciation,

Matthew Jones

Taskforce Member
Reading to Kids Volunteer
35 time reader


Our Curriculum Committee has been hard at work coming up with great craft and discussion ideas for our readers in October.  For a complete listing of this month's titles, craft ideas and discussion topics, please click here.

In this issue...
- Annual Fund Drive Appeal
- October Books
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October 2005
Reading Club Statistics
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 68 70
Gratts 58 65
Magnolia 70 70
Noble 40 47

Special Events...
Participate in the Annual Fund Drive!

More ways to help...
Get more involved!
Click here for more
Taskforce information!
Help as an R2K Intern!

October Books...
View this month's book list!
Click here to sign up
as a reader!

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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