Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,
Join Reading to Kids on MySpace and Facebook to help promote our volunteer opportunities!

If you are on MySpace, add us to your Friends list. Go to and click on "Add to Friends." Also, feel free to add a comment about your experience volunteering with Reading to Kids.

We also have a Reading to Kids group on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page, join the Reading to Kids group!
Visit, sign into your facebook account, and join our group.

Join us at the February 9th Reading Clubs. Please click here to RSVP.
We have a great selection of "Friendship" themed books for this month. Click here to see the list of books and craft ideas!
Do you have an extra toaster taking up space in your closet?
Donate it to Reading to Kids!
Reading to Kids is looking for toasters to use for breakfast on the morning of the reading clubs. As you may know, we get donations of bagels for reading club Saturdays, and we would like to give volunteers the opportunity to toast those bagels!
Please contact if you have a toaster to donate.
For a list of other needed items for the Reading to Kids office or school sites, click here.

As some of you may know, Politi Elementary School is named after Los Angeles area artist and children's book author Leo Politi. 2008 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth! The Leo Politi 2008 Centennial will feature events throughout the city including a yearlong exhibition of Politi's work, a countywide literacy campaign, and more.
Click here for an L.A. Times article to learn more about Politi, and visit for information on centennial events.