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Weekly News Update
January 29, 2004    

Hi R2K Fans!

Only 11 more Reading Clubs left in 2004: try to make it to each one!

February Reading Clubs

The new year is off to a great start, and now it's time for the "friendship"-themed February Reading Clubs! Please click here to sign up for the 14th!

Friends and Supporters

Reading to Kids would like to thank the Family Literacy Advocates of Southern California (FLASC) for its generous donation of nearly 5,000 prize books! The mission of FLASC is to reverse the tide of under-education and poverty in the community by providing families with the opportunity to learn and grow together.

And, one of our stand-out Taskforce members and Chair of the Fundraising Committee, Ali Husain, generously donated 785 prize books to Reading to Kids, including some snazzy Spanish/English keychain dictionaries! Thanks, Ali, for your great support!

Click here for more about our wonderful friends and supporters who help us pursue our mission.

API Scores!

Well, after the great news from Magnolia about its 95-point gain in Academic Performance Index scores, we decided to do a bit of research on the other three Reading to Kids schools.

Well, it turns out our schools had an average gain of 65 points, though their average goals for improvement were only 14-point gains! Three out of four schools more than tripled the point increase they'd hoped for!

Here are the results for the 2003 API scores
Esperanza: 39 point gain (target: 14)
Gratts: 75 point gain (target: 16)
Magnolia: 95 point gain (target: 14)
Noble: 52 point gain (target: 13)

R2K participating schools are making big strides forward with the help of our great volunteers. Our congratulations to the hardworking teachers and administrators as well as to you for inspiring these young minds!

We look forward to seeing you on Valentine's Day!


Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- February 14th Reading Clubs
- Friends and Supporters
- API Scores!
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at the bottom of this e-mail.
February 2004
RSVP Tally to Date
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 37 70
Gratts 36 70
Magnolia 30 100
Noble 26 70
Click here to sign up for the
February Reading Clubs!
Featured Friend
Family Literacy Advocates of Southern California
Click here for more about
Family Literacy Advocates of
Southern California.
T-shirt Design Poll...
Vote for your favorite!
Click here to submit your T-shirt
design votes and suggestions!
More ways to help...
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Taskforce information!

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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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  Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.