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Preparing for the Saturday Reading Clubs


First-time volunteers will receive training in the morning at 9:00 a.m. on how to read to and interact with the kids, and all volunteers should have ample time to review the books and discuss reading strategies with their fellow volunteers before the clubs begin at 10 a.m.

Click here to view frequently asked questions about the reading clubs.

Please feel free to review the following checklist to help you make the most out of your reading club experience.

Volunteers' Checklist (Optional)
•  Check the status of your RSVP. Grade levels are posted on the day before the reading clubs.
•  Review the monthly book list.
•  Browse the Reading Tips section of the website for information on how to manage the 90-minute reading club session, what to expect from children of a specific grade level, what to discuss with the kids during the read-aloud session, etc.
•  Click here for general craft ideas to supplement the reading. Volunteers sometimes gather supplemental craft materials such as extra construction paper, paper plates for masks, paper bags for puppets, etc.
•  Print driving directions to your school.
•  Arrange carpools with friends, co-workers, or fellow volunteer-group members
•  Get a good night's sleep and bring a smile (and lots of energy) to the reading club!

Books and craft supplies will be
supplied, and volunteers will be given
time to discuss reading strategies.