Reading to Kids Taskforce
Last updated
Thursday, February 13, 2025
The Reading to Kids Taskforce
includes returning volunteers, teachers, and administrators who
are dedicated to supporting, sustaining, and building the organization.
Requirements for joining the Taskforce include |
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Having volunteered at two or more
reading clubs |
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Wanting to be involved in the planning, administration, and/or
execution of some aspect of the organization. |
The Taskforce is comprised of several committees, as described
Click here for a list of all current
Taskforce members.
Click here to email us at and tell us which Taskforce Committee(s) you would like to join!
Please email us at info with any questions.
Taskforce Committees |
Curriculum Committee
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Meets monthly to design craft projects and activities for volunteers to incorporate into the reading clubs. |
Chairs: |
Carrie Orchard |
Emily Sandersfeld |
Members: |
Altman, Daniel
Axe, Jason
Bakkar, Erika
Brady, Dalet
Carabio, Tanya
Chew, Robyn
Damberg, Louise
Dandridge, Yma
Davies, Anna
Flowers, Melanie
Guevarra, Christina
Javdan, Mona
Kelly, Ciara
Kong, Nicole
Marcelin, Jade
Messam, Jenny
Orchard, Charlie
Rickard, David
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Selvage III, Prince
Shioya, Susan
Smith, Jen
Taylor, Stephen
Yoshimura, Susan

Information Technology Committee
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Designs, maintains, and upgrades website.
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Develops and maintains data handling/storage systems for applications, RSVPs, mailing lists, etc. |
Chair: |
Members: |
Axe, Jason
Davies, Anna
Ito, Jonathan
Orchard, Charlie
Rickard, David
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy

Marketing Committee
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Publicizes Reading to Kids through promotional materials, including press releases, press packs, posters, newsletters, photographs, videos, etc. |
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Supports the Annual Fund Drive through creation of materials, goals, etc.
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Works with the schools to assist in recruiting kids to attend the reading clubs.
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Recruits volunteers for the reading clubs. |
Chairs: |
Jessica Dunning |
Jessica Lee |
Jacqueline Rivera |
Members: |
Axe, Jason
Davies, Anna
Javdan, Mona
Kelly, Ciara
Kolsrud, Erica
Orchard, Charlie
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Smith, Jen
Wilson, Kori
Yoshimura, Susan

Operations Committee
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Guides, plans, and executes all operational aspects of reading clubs (includes site coordinators, grade level coordinators, and food runners).
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Contacts businesses to solicit donations for the reading clubs, including food for volunteers. |
Chairs: |
Kirstin Harper-Smith |
Mark May |
Members: |
Altman, Daniel
Amy, Rene
Anton, Pamela
Axe, Jason
Callahan, David
Choo, Soyoon
Chung, Paul
Conlin, Catherine
Cottier, Megan
Cramer, Mia
Dandridge, Yma
Davies, Anna
Dunning, Jessica
Epstein, Tina
Gao, Fiona
Green, Vanessa
Guevarra, Christina
Halperin, Zach
Hernandez, Edgar
Horn, Heather
Howard, Alexea
Keenan, Teig
Kelly, Ciara
Kolsrud, Erica
Kuhn, Lauren
Landaverde, Karen
Lee, Jessica
Montes, Cynthia
Morris, Sean
Oktay, Ali
Orchard, Charlie
Rivera, Jacqueline
Robinson, Tanea
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Rossney, Glenn
Rubio, Mariel
Sandersfeld, Emily
Sanderson, Tina
Smith, Jen
Stevenson, Sonia
White, Patrick
Wu, Helen

Special Events Committee
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Plans social events for volunteers and special events for the organization.
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Recruits and schedules volunteers for Reading to Kids tabling events such as the Festival of Books.
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Solicits auction and bingo prize items.
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Plans fundraising events. |
Chair: |
Members: |
Amado McFadyen, Candice
Axe, Jason
Davies, Anna
Epstein, Tina
Kelly, Ciara
Marcelin, Jade
Marren, Julie
Martin, Christopher
May, Mark
Messam, Jenny
Mikikian, Seza
Orchard, Charlie
Rivas, Margot
Robinson, Tanea
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Smith, Jen
Vasquez, Paula
Wilson, Kori

Strategic Planning Committee
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Helps prioritize organizational goals through the assessment of current practices and the development of future actions. |
Chairs: |
Members: |
Brady, Dalet
Davies, Anna
May, Mark
Montes, Cynthia
Morris, Sean
Orchard, Charlie
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Selvage III, Prince
Yoshimura, Susan

Training Committee
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Develops training materials and guides for volunteers and parents.
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Works with the schools to facilitate effective Parent Workshops. |
Chairs: |
Christopher Martin |
Cynthia Montes |
Members: |
Axe, Jason
Baumgartner, Steve
Davies, Anna
Montes, Cynthia
Orchard, Charlie
Rivera, Jacqueline
Robinson, Tanea
Rodriguez Coe, Yancy
Selvage III, Prince
Smith, Jen
Smith, Jen
Thompson, Stan
Wilson, Kori

Curriculum |
Information Technology |
Marketing |
Special Events |
Strategic Planning |