Occupational Therapy Tips for Craft Time

Last updated Monday, January 12, 2004
The following was prepared for Reading to Kids
by volunteer Melanie Bergthorson OTR/L. These ideas, though seemingly geared
towards younger children, may be helpful in identifying weaknesses in foundational
skills that, if not properly acquired, may lead to difficulties even in older grade
levels. In general, the guidelines should enhance the craft time experience of
reading club participants, both adult and child alike!
"Pediatric occupational therapy is the use of
purposeful activity or interventions to help
children fully participate and achieve at school,
at home and in the community."
Craft time is a great time to encourage the development of
fine motor skills such as drawing, tracing, and cutting.
When children are having difficulty with these important skills,
they may not want to participate in craft time, or they may be embarrassed
to bring their finished product home.
Having a finished product can help build a
child's confidence in his or her own abilities as well
as provide a means for the story to live on.
Some tips are provided below to help make craft time a
successful time as well as to encourage skill development.
Basic Tips
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Ensure the child is holding the scissors correctly, with the
thumb on top and the index and middle finger in the
bottom loop. Many kids tend to cut with their hand upside down.
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Encourage the cutting out of shapes such as circles, squares
or triangles. If the child has difficulty with shapes, have
them cut out the straight lines--they will at least have helped
and still have a nice result. Young kids tend to cut in a
"snipping" fashion. This is ok and can be used for many craft ideas!
Development of Scissor Skills*
2 years |
Snips with scissors
2 ½ years |
Cuts across 6-inch piece of paper
3-3 ½ years |
Cuts along a 6-inch line
3 ½-4 years |
Cuts a circle
4 ½-5 years |
Cuts a square
*Adapted from "Occupational Therapy for Children"
by J. Case-Smith (2001)
Craft Suggestions to Develop Cutting Skills
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Headbands are a popular craft at Reading to Kids:
have the kids cut out the strip by themselves.
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Make items that use a fringe, such as grass, a lion's mane, hair, etc.
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Have the kids cut out a variety of shapes to paste onto paper.
Trace out the shape for them and have them cut it out, help with
the more difficult parts, or help by cuing them when to stop
cutting and turn the page.
Basic Tips
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One of the most important things to take note of is
how the child is holding his/her pencil or crayon.
By the age of three, a child should be holding the pencil
with his/her fingertips, not in the palm of their hand.
If you see an incorrect grasp, cue the child to fix it,
"Show me where your fingers go."
Broken crayons are a great tool to encourage a finger grasp,
the child has no choice but to use their fingertips.
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For children that are not as artistically inclined,
have them trace over your pencil drawing or have them
use templates. Templates can be quickly made out of a
piece of construction paper and result in a perfect result
each time.
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Have the children write their names on all products.
If they are unable to, have them trace it.
Some children find it easier to print when a line is drawn for them.
Development of Handwriting Skills*
10-12 months
Scribble on paper
2 years
Imitates horizontal, vertical and circular marks on paper
3 years
Copies a vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
4-5 years
Copies cross, diagonal lines, square, may print own name
5-6 years
Copies triangle, prints own name, copies most letters
*Adapted from "Occupational Therapy for Children"
by J. Case-Smith (2001)
Craft Suggestions to Develop Drawing/Tracing Skills
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Have the children trace out shapes that are drawn
in pencil. They can add their own finishing touches.
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Use templates whenever possible. The child may need help
to hold the template in place while tracing around it.
Additional Pointers
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At the beginning of craft time, quickly make a model
of the craft. This gives the children a better idea of
how their finished product should look. However, take them through
the steps one by one because it is sometimes difficult
for children to copy directly.
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Always encourage the children to do as much as
they can by themselves--the more of the finished product that
is their own, the prouder they can be!
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Other ideas to encourage development of hand skills are
folding paper into shapes such as hats or cones; or ripping
strips of paper to glue onto the craft.