Volunteers needed in April!   Click here to sign up.
 Site Areas: 
Current Apr. 12 RSVP List for White Elementary
Volunteers at  
26 RSVPs as of 3/27 at 1:15 p.m.
Note: All volunteer spots at this school are currently filled. Please try another school, or check back for openings which often occur up until the RSVP deadline of 3 p.m. on the Friday before the reading clubs.
Grade assignments will be posted at 4 p.m. on the Friday before the reading clubs.
Name Role(s)
Abromowitz, AaronReader
Aniel, LizReader
Annoxmimbar, MalliumReader
Aranda, Rene MichelleReader
Arrizon, Tony-ElySite Coordinator
Benya, Ben5th Grade GLC and Reader
Callahan, DavidSite Coordinator
Chung, ChristinaReader
Deleon, JuliaReader
Dunning, JessicaSite Coordinator
Esparza, LeslyReader
Foroohar, TaraReader
Gao, FionaSite Coordinator
Golub, Julia3rd Grade GLC and Reader
Halperin, ZachSite Coordinator
Johnson, LauraReader
Lipton, IanReader
Luong, NghiaReader
Meyer, CarolynReader
Rivas, MargotReader
Salguero, NathalieReader
Selvage III, Prince4th Grade GLC and Reader
Stoessl, Haley2nd Grade GLC and Reader
Tran, Jason1st Grade GLC and Reader
Vasquez, PaulaReader
Whitacre, StephReader
 Volunteer Resources
-Video of What to Expect at
Your First Reading Club
-This Month's Books
-Reading Tips and Related Articles
-Lunch Information
-Maps and Parking Information
-Cancel Your RSVP
 Questions? Contact us at
(310) 479-7455 or e-mail us
at inforeadingtokids.org.
Click here for the Tip of the Month!
 Site Operations Team
- Tony-Ely Arrizon, Site Coordinator
- David Callahan, Site Coordinator
- Jessica Dunning, Site Coordinator
- Fiona Gao, Site Coordinator
- Zach Halperin, Site Coordinator
- Prince Selvage III, Training Coordinator
- Jason Tran, GLC Grade 1
- Haley Stoessl, GLC Grade 2
- Julia Golub, GLC Grade 3
- Prince Selvage III, GLC Grade 4
- Ben Benya, GLC Grade 5
 Volunteer Groups
- Delta Sigma Pi
- LA County Alternate Public Defenders
- Meetup.com