Volunteers needed in April!   Click here to sign up.
 Site Areas: 
Current Apr. 12 RSVP List for Tenth Street Elementary
Volunteers at  
26 RSVPs as of 3/28 at 3:03 p.m.
2 volunteers are still needed at Tenth Street Elementary.
Grade assignments will be posted at 4 p.m. on the Friday before the reading clubs.
Name Role(s)
Alves, Kate1st Grade GLC and Reader
Aylor, DrewReader
Boyd, Catherine2nd Grade GLC and Reader
Brebes, SadieReader
Choo, SoyoonSite Coordinator
Cramer, MiaSite Coordinator
Cruse, MeredithReader
Dorfman, Seth4th Grade GLC and Reader
Eusquiano, RoselynReader
Granados, DianaReader
Green, Karen5th Grade GLC and Reader
Haylett, LilyReader
Hendrickson, JenniferReader
Hu, AmyReader
Jen, KatherineReader
Martin, ChristopherKindergarten GLC and Reader
Olson, JamiFood Runner and Reader
Prince Points, Dominique Reader
Rao, DivyaReader
Rojas, OdalisReader
Rudasingwa, MwizaReader
Shumaker, TimothyReader
Singh, Jit3rd Grade GLC and Reader
Tashima, AlecReader
Washington, JanaeReader
Zelin, JasonReader
 Volunteer Resources
-Video of What to Expect at
Your First Reading Club
-This Month's Books
-Reading Tips and Related Articles
-Lunch Information
-Maps and Parking Information
-Cancel Your RSVP
 Questions? Contact us at
(310) 479-7455 or e-mail us
at inforeadingtokids.org.
Click here for the Tip of the Month!
 Site Operations Team
- Soyoon Choo, Site Coordinator
- Mia Cramer, Site Coordinator
- Christopher Martin, Training Coordinator
- Christopher Martin, GLC Grade K
- Kate Alves, GLC Grade 1
- Catherine Boyd, GLC Grade 2
- Jit Singh, GLC Grade 3
- Seth Dorfman, GLC Grade 4
- Karen Green, GLC Grade 5
 Volunteer Groups
- Alliance for Latinx Management at Anderson (ALMA)
- Kaiser Permanente
- L.A. Works
- LAUSD, Office of the General Counsel
- Meetup.com
- Order of the Eastern Star, PHRA, State of CA
- Penn Serves LA
- UCLA Anderson School of Management
- UCLA Morning Sign Out
- UCLA School on Wheels
- UCLA Volunteer Center
- University Catholic Center at UCLA