Volunteers needed in March!   Click here to sign up.
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Reading to Kids News
September 6, 2018

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

We are looking for a Los Angeles venue that can seat around 300 people for our May 11th 20th Anniversary. If you have a connection, please let us know!


We're giving away school supplies to every kid at this Saturday's Back to School Fun reading clubs!

We still have 14 spots open, so sign up and encourage your friends to sign up, too!

If you have volunteered with us at least twice before, we can also use your help in any of the following roles. Please reply to info@readingtokids.org if you can help:

GLC at Esperanza, Gratts, Magnolia, or White
Training Coordinator at Gratts, Magnolia, or White
Check-in helper at Politi
Food Runner at Alta Loma or Mac. Park
Bagel Runner at Alta Loma or Politi (picking up from a shop just south of LAX at 5pm tomorrow)
Site Coordinator at any school (especially at Los Angeles Elementary!)

If you signed up for the reading clubs but can't join us, please cancel your RSVP today so another volunteer can take your place.

Reading to Kids is Hiring


For details on each of the events below, check out our handy calendar on our website!

Tonight, Sept. 6 Operations Committee Meeting at 7pm in the Reading to Kids office. We are always looking for more Site Coordinators, so please join us or call in to (310) 853-1508!

Tue. Sept. 18 Training Committee Meeting at 6:30pm at the Ebus office, 9250 Washburn Road, Downey, CA 90242. Help review our training modules - join us or call in at (310) 853-1508!




Did you know you can support Reading to Kids just by shopping at the grocery store or using your credit card?

eScrip and Ralphs both have programs that are NO COST ways for you to donate to Reading to Kids.

All you have to do is call Ralphs or go online and register your grocery cards.  When you use those cards at a participating store or service provider, the store will donate a percentage of your purchases to Reading to Kids

Click here for simple instructions on how to sign up or renew! Or, you can call Ralphs Community Contribution Program at (800) 443-4438. Explain you want to register your Ralphs card number and your telephone number. Reading to Kids NPO# is now BR278.

Note if you have previously signed up: You have to renew your registration each year, so please renew again for this year!

Amazon Smile

Do you shop on Amazon.com? If you shop using AmazonSmile, they will donate 0.5% of your purchases to Reading to Kids!

Click here for easy directions on how to start using AmazonSmile!



Do you know any runners? Are you a runner? Please forward this email to them and ask them to join Team Reading to Kids in the 2019 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday, March 24th!

Team Reading to Kids 2019 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon Team Reading to Kids logo

We're looking for eight more full marathon runners and five Charity Challenge runners (the last 13 miles of the course) to join us in one of the best marathons in the country.

If either of those distances is too daunting, you can join us in the Big 5K (that's just 3.1 miles) near Dodger Stadium the day before the marathon on Saturday, March 23, 2019.

You can share this Facebook group with any of your runner friends to encourage them to join our team!

If you or a runner you know is interested in becoming one of our fundraising runners or creating a fundraising team, please email Chris Martin at marathon@readingtokids.org!

IMPORTANT NOTE: To register to run on behalf of Reading to Kids, you MUST receive from us a special web address to use when registering on the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon website.

Team Reading to Kids 2019 Skechers Performance LA Marathon


Reading to Kids' Legendary Bingo fundraiser at Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood

It's back! On Wednesday, October 3rd, join Reading to Kids for Legendary Bingo at Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood with celebrity ballcaller Tim DeKay from White Collar, Party of Five, Carnivale, & Here and Now!

The drinks are strong, the drag queen bingo is "R" rated, and seating is limited, so be sure to reserve your seat in advance!

Reading to Kids Bingo Night flyer

If you've been before you know it's a blast. If you haven't, click here for a video of one of our previous winners to see what you've been missing!

Please click the image above for a flyer in .PDF format, and forward it to anyone you know who may be interested in going to our Legendary Bingo Night. You can also print out the flyer and post it wherever many people are likely to see it, perhaps with a note that you are going and inviting others to join you.

WHEN:   Wednesday, Oct. 3, 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Hamburger Mary's Restaurant
              8288 Santa Monica Blvd.
              West Hollywood, CA 90046
              (323) 654-3800
Cost:  $20 suggested donation (cash only, please!), which includes 9 regular bingo games and one grand prize bingo game with fantastic prizes!

Legendary Bingo is very popular and there is limited seating available. Plan to arrive before 7:00 p.m. to get a seat. We strongly suggest making a reservation (you must have a party of 4 or more) at Hamburger Mary's to ensure your seat.

All proceeds go to Reading to Kids. For more details, visit our Oct. 3rd Bingo event on Facebook and invite your friends!




Charlie Orchard & Jessica Brown-Clark
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

Reading Club RSVPs
School RSVPs Capacity
Alta Loma 37 38
Esperanza 70 71
Gratts 60 63
Los Angeles 64 65
MacArthur Park 53 56
Magnolia 81 84
Politi 53 54
White 43 44
TOTAL 461 475
SEPTEMBER Books. . .
Kindergarten book
First Grade book
First Grade
Second Grade book
Second Grade
Third Grade book
Third Grade
Fourth Grade book
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade book
Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit www.readingtokids.org for more information.

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