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Reading to Kids News
November 23, 2016

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we'd like to thank all of the volunteers, teachers, administrators, principals, donors, funders, and participants who make Reading to Kids possible every month. We could not make our reading clubs a success without your support and dedication, and we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!



Are you a runner? Do you know any runners? Please forward this email to them and ask them to join Team Reading to Kids in next year's 2017 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday, March 19th!

Team Reading to Kids 2017 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon Team Reading to Kids logo

We urgently need eight more runners to join us in one of the best marathons in the country. You can share this Facebook group with any of your runner friends to encourage them to join our team!

Runners can run either the full marathon or a half-marathon, and the dollars raised will go to support our monthly reading clubs. 

If you or a runner you know is interested in becoming one of our fundraising runners or creating a fundraising team, please email Chris Martin at marathon@readingtokids.org!

IMPORTANT NOTE: To register to run on behalf of Reading to Kids, you MUST receive from us a special web address to use when registering on the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon website.

Team Reading to Kids 2016 Skechers Performance LA Marathon


December is one of our biggest months, and the December 10th reading clubs are only two weeks away! We still need 299 more volunteers, so please start recruiting as many, friends, co-workers, etc. as you can. 

You can help by joining our December 10th Facebook Event so your friends will see that on your wall. Then go to our website and sign up with us.

Please tweet, post to Facebook, and email your friends, letting them know that we still need more volunteers.

You can also help us by printing out this flyer and posting it at your work, school, church, synagogue, mosque, or favorite community bulletin board. Please also use this easy email template.



Reading to Kids Annual Fund Drive

We extend a huge thank you to everyone who has already donated to our 2016 Annual Fund Drive! To date we have raised $17,674 donated from 243 donors!

All who have donated can see their names listed on our 2016 Annual Fund Drive page. If you have not yet donated, be sure to donate today so we can add your name there, too.

Our Annual Fund Drive lasts until December 31st, and our goal this year is to raise $50,000 from 500 donors. Please help us meet that goal by spreading the word to your friends and co-workers!

How Can You Help?

1) Make a pledge to donate by check or online. Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated!

2) Show your support by asking friends and family to contribute! Look under the "Help us Fundraise!" header for our handy donor sheet for raising money with your friends and co-workers, a sample email you can easily personalize, and tips for fundraising.

Also, if your workplace matches donations to nonprofits, please share with them your donation, and ask them to consider matching it. In this way you double your donation and share with others your enthusiasm for Reading to Kids!

Reading to Kids Annual Fund Drive


This month we are once again fortunate to enjoy the financial support of both the Alexander and Ruth Jacobson Foundation and The Kleiner Cohen Foundation.

We thank the Alexander and Ruth Jacobson Foundation for their generous $2,000 grant, once again arranged for by dedicated Esperanza volunteer James Ostiller. Their support allows us to purchase the wonderful read-aloud books that our school's libraries will continue to share with future generations.

We also thank The Kleiner Cohen Foundation for its continuing support of Reading to Kids with their most recent $2,000 grant. Thank you for supporting our monthly reading clubs for the 13th consecutive year!



Charlie Orchard, Tiara Johnson, and Jasmine Scales
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

Reading Club RSVPs
School RSVPs Capacity
Alta Loma 38 50
Esperanza 35 83
Gratts 31 65
Los Angeles 51 100
MacArthur Park 22 46
Magnolia 32 94
Politi 21 76
White 23 38
TOTAL 253 552
DECEMBER Books. . .
Kindergarten book
First Grade book
First Grade
Second Grade book
Second Grade
Third Grade book
Third Grade
Fourth Grade book
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade book
Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit www.readingtokids.org for more information.

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