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Reading to Kids News
January 7, 2016

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Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

Happy New Year! Our "Mysteries & Adventure" reading clubs this Saturday are a great way to start off 2016, and we still have a few spots available. Please sign up or keep checking today and tomorrow for openings.

If you are signed up but can't attend after all, please click here to cancel before 3:00 p.m. tomorrow to give someone else an opportunity to read!

This month we're excited to be giving away a refurbished computer to one lucky student at each of our seven partner schools! Thank you to all who donated computers to us.



Thanks to so many of you, our 2015 Annual Fund Drive was a great success, with 531 donors helping us raise $53,694! We still expect a few more checks in the mail, so we may top $54,000!

Reading to Kids at Politi

Our very special thanks go out to our six fundraising Angels, Taskforce members Matthew Jones (23 donors, $3,120), Patrick White (19 donors, $1,030), Mark May (10 donors, $4,756), Kirstin Harper-Smith (7 donors, $285), & Carrie Orchard (6 donors, $236), as well as volunteer Rachel Corell (7 donors, $380). Together they raised $9,807 from 72 donors!

School Competition Winners!

Highest overall percentage of volunteers who donated to the Annual Fund Drive:
1st: Charles White Elementary!
2nd: Esperanza Elementary (with Politi just 2% behind Esperanza)

Highest overall dollar amount raised for the Annual Fund Drive:
1st: Esperanza Elementary!
2nd: Gratts Elementary

All of the schools together raised $20,660!

Finally, we extend our sincere thanks to all of the AFD Speakers and credit card swipers who helped raise these much-needed funds over the last three reading clubs!



Do you know any runners? Please forward this email to them and ask them to join Team Reading to Kids in the 2016 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon!

We urgently need five more runners to join us in one of the best marathons in the country on Sunday, February 14th (Valentine's Day).  You can share this Facebook page with any of your runner friends to encourage them to join our team!

Runners can run either the full marathon or a half-marathon, and the dollars raised will go to support our monthly reading clubs. 

Team Reading to Kids 2016 Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon Team Reading to Kids logo

If you or a runner you know is interested in becoming one of our fundraising runners or creating a fundraising team, please email Chris Martin at marathonreadingtokids.org for all the details.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To register to run on behalf of Reading to Kids, you MUST receive from us a special web address to use when registering on the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon website.



Quetzal Guerrero performing at Magnolia

Our March 12th reading clubs feature "Music & Celebration", and we are looking for musicians to perform at each of our seven partner schools. In the past we've had everything from Korean drum troupes to electric violin players to marching bands!

If you or someone you know is interested in sharing the gift of music with our students and volunteers, email us at info@readingtokids.org.


Thanks, and we hope to see you this Saturday!


Charlie Orchard, Tiara Johnson, and Emma Rees
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

Reading Club RSVPs
School RSVPs Capacity
Alta Loma 22 23
Esperanza 46 46
Gratts 33 33
Los Angeles 54 54
Magnolia 39 41
Politi 43 43
White 29 29
TOTAL 266 269
JANUARY Books. . .
Kindergarten book
First Grade book
First Grade
Second Grade book
Second Grade
Third Grade book
Third Grade
Fourth Grade book
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade book
Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit www.readingtokids.org for more information.

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