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Weekly Update
December 8, 2009


Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

The Winter Wonderlands Reading Clubs are only four days away, and we still need over 100 volunteers to sign up to celebrate the holiday season with our kids!

SIGN UP to see Santa at the December Reading Clubs today!

To see a list of all the books we will be reading and the crafts we will be creating this month, view This Month's Books online.



Join Reading to Kids for a Holiday Happy Hour on December 14th at Gyenari Korean BBQ.  Celebrate the holiday season with your friends at Reading to Kids and enjoy holiday drinks & appetizer specials.  We'll be there from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. - stop by anytime.  Friends & family welcome (21+ at the bar).

While we are toasting to the holidays, Gyenari will be hosting a community night to benefit Reading to Kids!  They will be donating 20% of the profits from dining room AND bar purchases made by Reading to Kids supporters.  So enjoy a delicious meal and then join us at the bar-- all while supporting Reading to Kids!  To make your purchase count towards the community night, bring this flyer or pick one up from us at the bar and give it to your server when you pay your bill.

When: Monday, December 14th, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where: Gyenari Korean BBQ
           9540 Washington Blvd.
           Culver City, CA 90232

For more information or to RSVP, check out our event on Facebook and Evite.



For 10 straight years, Reading to Kids has been able to increase our number of donors-- that's the number of people who have been generous enough to donate any amount, big or small.  Every single one of these donations helps us in our fundraising efforts throughout the year because they show foundations and other big funders how much widespread support our program has in the community.

Right now, we are still short 350 donors of our goal, and we need your help!  Please consider making a donation of any amount to Reading to Kids before December 31, 2009, and ask your friends to join you in the spirit of giving.  A donation of even $1 makes an impact, so don't worry if you don't have much left over after all that holiday shopping!

To make a donation, please visit http://readingtokids.org/HowToHelp/HelpDonate.php.  You can also use this form to collect donations from friends and family.

Thank you to everyone who has already spread their holiday cheer with a donation this year!


Books make great gifts for everyone on your holiday list and Reading to Kids has two great opportunities for you to shop for books and support our cause.

Barnes & Noble Encino - This year's book drive at the popular book seller is off to a great start! Customers are encouraged to buy children's books at the register which are then donated to us as prize books for our kids. It is a wonderful way to give back this holiday season while you shop for loved ones.

WOWIO - Reading to Kids is a partner in WOWIO's exciting "Gifting for a Cause" Program. Send an eBook, such as The Velveteen Rabbit or A Christmas Carol, with a customized Reading to Kids' digital dust jacket, add $1 to support your favorite cause, and spread holiday cheer!

Thank you to our wonderful friends at Barnes & Noble Encino and WOWIO for your generosity. And thank YOU for continuing to share your love of reading and Reading to Kids this holiday season.



Lisa Flores, Joby Mahto, and Rachel Zwass
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

Make a donation:

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Reading Club RSVPs
School RSVPs Capacity

Alta Loma

70 71


101 97


63 76


59 78
Los Angeles


Magnolia 90 112
Politi 66 86


TOTAL 572 678

December Books. . .

A Penguin Story

First Grade

When Winter Comes
Second Grade

Third Grade

Secrets of a Christmas Box
Fourth Grade

The Snow Spider
Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.

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