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Weekly Update
October 16, 2009

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

The Halloween, Mysteries, and Magic Reading Clubs were record-breaking for Reading to Kids!  1,634 kids, 558 volunteers, and 369 parents enjoyed scary stories and magic shows last Saturday.  Fun was had by everyone who attended, and we are so excited about the huge turnout.  Thank you all for making the day such a huge success!

Volunteers had fun dressing up in their Halloween costumes, getting to know one another at El Cholo, and learning new magic tricks after the reading clubs.  Take a look at the pictures posted on our Facebook Page.

We plan to continue the good times in November with Sports, Fun & Games.  And what is more fun than showing your school spirit?  Wear your college colors, grab your roommates, and show your school pride on Saturday, November 14th.  Sign up today!


 Follow Reading to Kids on Twitter

Did you know that Reading to Kids was just awarded a coveted spot in the Women in Film Public Service Announcement Program? 

Did you know that the House of Representatives voted to declare the week of October 18-23, 2009 as Adult Education and Family Literacy Week? 

Well, you would if you followed Reading to Kids on Twitter!

Follow us and keep up to the minute on exciting things happening at Reading to Kids, in the volunteer community, and in the world of literacy.


Welcome Joby Mahto to the Team

Reading to Kids is excited to welcome a new Program Coordinator to the team.  Joby Mahto started on Saturday at the reading clubs and enjoyed getting to know many of the volunteers, kids, parents, and administrators at Hoover Elementary School and El Cholo.  She knows a thing or two about children's books as a mom of a 3 year old son.  And as an avid crafter, she is excited to be a member of the Curriculum Committee.  She looks forward to helping coordinate the reading clubs and of course, meeting you all soon.


 ¿Habla Español? - Translators Needed

Over the last few months we have seen an increase in the number of parents attending the Parent Workshops.  Financial Literacy, CPR, and parent/teacher conferences are just a few of the topics we have covered, and we are thrilled that the parents in our community have shown such a great interest. 

In order to make these workshops a continued success, we are seeking Spanish translators to volunteer at the Parent Workshops.  If you are interested in getting to know wonderful people in the community, practicing your Spanish, and spending your second Saturday with Reading to Kids, please contact Joby at Joby.Mahto @ readingtokids.org.


  Lisa Flores, Joby Mahto, and Rachel Zwass
  Reading to Kids
  1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
  Los Angeles, CA  90025
  (310) 479-7455
  (310) 479-7435 (FAX) 

  Make a donation: 

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Reading Club Statistics
School Kids Volunteers

Alta Loma

207 54


272 82


215 64


143 73
Los Angeles


Magnolia  259 83
Politi 183 81


TOTAL 1,634 558

November Books. . .


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.

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