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Weekly Update
September 21, 2009

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

Thank you to the 468 volunteers, 1,411 children, and 288 parents who attended the September 12th Reading Clubs.  Judging by the smiles on the faces of all those children, the Halloween, Mysteries, and Magic Reading Clubs in October are going to be filled with eager readers!  And they are in for a trick-or-treat as we continue our tradition of having magicians entertain at the end of the day.  This is one spooky reading club that is not to be missed.

If you haven't done so, please SIGN UP today for the October 10th Reading Clubs!



The September 12th Reading Clubs marked the kickoff of the 2009 Annual Fund Drive.  Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, we have already raised over $2,000!  Thank you all for your continued dedication and generosity.

To participate in the Annual Fund Drive, click here to donate.  



When I was at UCLA, I became involved in community service as a member of Alpha Phi Omega.  Of all the projects I participated in, the one that I enjoyed the most was Reading to Kids.

Reading to Kids was different.  Everything just came together.  Kids were happy and excited to be at school on a Saturday morning, and volunteers were dedicated and spent their time making sure my experience was great.  And the impact that every single person was having on the kids was noticeable.

I volunteered off and on over the years, but the first month Reading to Kids was at Los Angeles Elementary was when I became hooked.  I arrived, the Site Coordinator needed help, and I was a GLC for the first time.  And I have been at Los Angeles ever since!  Slowly I have become more and more involved.  First it was volunteering at one of the social events, then joining a few committees, and before I knew it, I was the Special Events Committee Co-Chair!

The reason why I've become so involved is, at every level, from the smallest task to planning the Annual Comedy Night, I know I'm making a difference, and my time is valued.  I've also made amazing friends along the way, which makes every event, every meeting, and every reading club even more rewarding.

The reason I donate to Reading to Kids is the same reason I volunteer.  Every donation is going towards books, supplies, and staff, who work hard to make the reading clubs possible. 

You can be sure that your donation will make an impact, make a difference, and in a small way, make the world a better place. 

Together, we all make this amazing program happen every month, but it can't be done without the support of the community too.  I don't have much to give this year, but I am going to give what I can and also ask my friends and family for their support, because every dollar matters, every donor matters.  And whether it's $5 for 4 prize books or $50 for 4 hardcover read-aloud books, it will make a difference!

Please support the Reading to Kids Annual Fund Drive, and make a big difference in a little way!

Thank you,

Julie Moskovitz
Los Angeles Elementary School
Grade 4 - Grade Level Coordinator & Reader


To fund-raise for the Annual Fund Drive, join the Reading to Kids Cause on Facebook and help spread the word!


  Lisa Flores, Nate Radomski, and Rachel Zwass
  Reading to Kids
  1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
  Los Angeles, CA  90025
  (310) 479-7455
  (310) 479-7435 (FAX) 

  Make a donation: 

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September 2009
Reading Club Statistics
School Kids Volunteers

Alta Loma

105 43


233 80


167 58


128 51
Los Angeles


Magnolia  315 76
Politi 188 50


TOTAL 1,411 468

October Books. . .


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.

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