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Weekly News Update!
July 19, 2005    

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids:

We are delighted to welcome Karrah Lompa as the new Program Director of Reading to Kids!

Karrah joins our organization with tremendous enthusiasm and a great deal of not-for-profit experience. Most recently, Karrah worked with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Orange County where she also served as an advocate and mentor for a young child in need. She has experience working with both local and national not-for profit organizations including Free Arts for Abused Children, Joseph's Hope Therapeutic Pre-School (both in Orange County), as well as Big Brothers Big Sisters in Seattle, Washington.

In addition to her staff roles, Karrah is also an active community volunteer. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Venice-based A Window Between Worlds. Karrah received an undergraduate degree in Public Policy from Whittier College and her graduate degree in Not-for-Profit Administration from Seattle University. Karrah can be reached at: Karrah.Lompa@readingtokids.org.

Maryanna Abdo, who has been our Program Director since July 2003, will be with us until Friday, July 29th, training Karrah at the office. In addition, she'll be helping out until mid-August, so don't be surprised if you see her at the August Reading Clubs. Mary will be heading off to graduate school at Harvard to pursue a Master's in Public Policy. We wish her good luck in the cold!

Both Karrah and Mary can be reached this week at the office at (310) 479-7455.

To help us welcome Karrah to the organization, please RSVP for the August Reading Clubs by clicking here.


Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- Welcome to our new Program Director!
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August 2005
Reading Club Statistics
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 20 65
Gratts 16 65
Magnolia 22 68
Noble 17 57
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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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