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Weekly News Update
April 26, 2005    

Welcome to our new Reading to Kids fans!

Reading to Kids' first weekend at the L.A. Times Festival of Books gave us the chance to reach out to hundreds of literacy buffs, more than a hundred of whom are new members of our e-mail list! Welcome to R2K -- we hope you'll join us at our May 14th Reading Clubs. New folks should start by visiting our website at www.readingtokids.org to get a sense of what our program is all about. If any questions come up that you can't answer by looking on our website, please don't hesitate to contact our office at (310) 479-7455.

Volunteers can sign up online for the Reading Clubs by clicking here to RSVP for the events. Almost 150 people have already signed up for the May events, but there's still room for about 150 more! Why not invite your favorite reading mom to join you at the Reading Clubs this year in honor of Mother's Day?

Thanks are due to the 20 volunteers on the Festival of Books Committee who helped to plan for and staff last weekend's event. These individuals designed t-shirts, bookmarks, banners, and fliers before the event and did an outstanding job sharing information and welcoming potential volunteers during a long weekend at the booth. Many thanks to all - the event would not have been a success without you!

May's Theme: Family!

This May, Reading to Kids participants will enjoy books about Family.  Not surprisingly, these books have a wealth of wonderful discussion topics.  Our (fabulous) volunteer Curriculum Committee planned great craft and discussion ideas, which you can find here.

One of the best books this month, Chicken Sunday is from exceptional author and illustrator Patricia Polacco. It is autobiographical, detailing Polacco's own lasting bond with two boys and their grandmother. This beautiful book offers some great discussion options for our 4th graders, including reflections on what it means to be a family.

Reading to Kids' most-read author, Eve Bunting, is back again this month with the 3rd grade selection, A Day's Work, set in Los Angeles. This book, which features a young Mexican-American boy and his non-English-speaking grandfather, is a great story for anyone who has ever had to help a relative or friend who could not communicate in another language. Given that 84% of our kids live in households where English is not the primary language, it's likely this story will really resonate with them!

And, the 1st grade and 5th grade selections are going to be very popular this month! We're reading the exceptionally popular Love You Forever in 1st grade. How much does the mom in this book love her son? So much that when he's a grown man with a family of his own, she still sneaks in his window to rock him and sing to him at night. Sounds a bit creepy, but this book has been through 68 printings -- that's how popular it is.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is our 5th grade selection, and all you Wonka-lovers are bound to be pleased! This book (for the handful who haven't read it) features a little boy named Charlie, his bed-ridden grandparents (who all sleep in the same bed), and a giant and mysterious chocolate factory to which Charlie and Grandpa Joe gain access by winning a golden ticket hidden in a candy bar wrapper. In typical Roald Dahl fashion, there are many bizarrely satisfying moments, as when a greedy Augustus Gloop falls into a river of chocolate. Enjoy!

How to Help: Donate Your Older Computer!

If you are replacing your older computer with a new, snazzy model, please consider donating your older computer to Reading to Kids. Occasionally, we raffle computers to kids at the schools. This not only helps us boost attendance by kids, who learn about the raffles and come out in larger numbers, but also helps us to get much-needed computers into kids' hands.

Many of the children we work with do not have computers at home, and owning a computer could change a whole family's life. Please consider making this very important donation!

Thanks for all your support!


Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- Sign Up for May 14th!
- May Books
- Donate Your Computer
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May 2005
Reading Club Statistics
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 46 70
Gratts 35 70
Magnolia 34 70
Noble 34 88
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as a reader!
May Books...
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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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