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Weekly News Update
February 4, 2005    

February Reading Clubs Almost Full!

It's a new record: three of our four schools were full two weeks before the Reading Clubs! We're still looking for about 12 Noble Elementary School volunteers, so click here to sign up to volunteer!

If you're pretty sure you won't be able to make it next Saturday but you're holding off on canceling your RSVP, please cancel it now so that we can free up additional space for volunteers who weren't able to sign up. If you need to cancel, please click here.

What are Food Runners and Grade Level Coordinators?

Food Runners
The food we offer for breakfast at the Reading Clubs doesn't just magically appear on-site -- four or more wonderful Food Runners are responsible for getting breakfast to their schools on the morning of the Reading Clubs.

Some Food Runners pick up donated goods, like our bagels from Noah's. Others purchase breakfast items (which they will be reimbursed for) on their way to the Clubs. Some stellar Food Runners do both.

Food Runners are currently needed at all four schools; while we have individuals who take care of this job every month, we'd love to find a team of folks who can share the responsibility! Being a Food Runner is a simple task on Reading Club mornings that will definitely score you popularity points. And who doesn't want those? To volunteer as a Food Runner on February 12th or later in the spring, please contact me at MaryannaAbdo@hotmail.com.

Grade Level Coordinators
Grade Level Coordinators (GLCs) are responsible for organization and orientation at a specific grade level on the day of the Reading Clubs. GLCs' main duties include setting up their grade level tables, introducing volunteers to one another, leading a discussion about the book, and answering or finding answers to volunteers' questions.

GLCs are expected to arrive on site by 8:30am to help SCs with set-up and be prepared to greet volunteers. Any volunteer who has come to Reading Clubs three or more times is encouraged to try out the GLC position: it's a great way to meet new and returning volunteers and help optimize the Reading Club experience for both volunteers and kids -- try it out!

This month, we need volunteers to fill the following GLC spots:
   Esperanza 2nd Grade
   Gratts 1st Grade
   Magnolia 4th Grade
   Noble Kindergarten

To sign up as a Grade Level Coordinator this month, please e-mail me at MaryannaAbdo@hotmail.com and let me know which of the available spots you'd like to sign up for! And, to sign up as a GLC in the future, please just check the appropriate box on your RSVP form!

Sign up for eScrip

What's the easiest way to help out Reading to Kids? Registering your supermarket or credit card with eScrip!

Reading to Kids will receive a percentage of all the purchases you make at local supermarkets and other businesses. Currently, 187 Reading to Kids friends are signed up with eScrip. To date, we have raised more than $2,600 from those people, who earn us money every time they shop at Vons, Pavilions, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, and a host of other stores.

If you haven't already signed up for eScrip, please do so by clicking on the link and following the simple instructions: http://readingtokids.org/HowToHelp/eScrip/eScrip.html.

If you already are registered with eScrip, please visit the website (www.escrip.com) and make sure your information is up to date.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!


Maryanna Abdo
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- February Reading Clubs
- Food Runners and Grade Level Coordinators
- Sign Up for eScrip!
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February 2005
Reading Club Statistics
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 60 60
Gratts 73 73
Magnolia 90 90
Noble 81 93
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February Books...
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