Volunteer spots are all filled for August clubs!  Please check back for openings.
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Weekly News Update
November 25, 2003    

Just a short update e-mail to say Happy Turkey Day, everybody!

While you're fighting off a turkey-and-stuffing-induced food coma this Thursday afternoon, please remember to sign up for the December 13th Reading Clubs.  Due to a spate of recent publicity, including newspaper articles in the CSUN Daily Sundial and the UC Irvine New University and our recent listing in the Los Angeles Times Calendar Section, our Reading Clubs are filling up fast!  Be sure to reserve yourself a spot at the year's most festive club!

Updated Annual Fund Drive results are online now! With almost 250 donors and over $13,000 raised to date, we greatly exceeded our goals!  Please click here for a list of our generous donors!  If you'd like to include Reading to Kids in your year-end giving, we'd greatly appreciate it; please click here to donate now!

Please take a moment to complete the Social Survey, designed by our Social and Website Committees. 

And, don't forget to keep working on those designs for the t-shirt contest!  Please bring your submissions to the December Clubs or mail, fax, or e-mail them to the Reading to Kids office.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holidays!


Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- December Reading Clubs
- In the News
- Social Survey
- T-shirt Contest
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Cast your vote for volunteer activities!
Click here to cast your vote
for more volunteer activities!
December Books...
View the December book list!
Click here for summaries
and discussion/craft ideas
- Reading Tips and Articles
- Shared Experiences
- Frequently Asked Questions
Special Thanks
Hilton Hotels Corporation
$5000 grant, Nov. 2003
Click here for more about
Hilton Hotels.
Pacific Life Foundation
$5000 grant, Nov. 2003
Click here for more about
Pacific Life.
How to help...
December 2003
RSVP Tally to Date
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 29 70
Gratts 45 70
Magnolia 39 100
Noble 20 70
Click here to sign up
as a December reader!
Get more involved!
Click here for more
Taskforce information!

Help as an R2K Intern!

Please click here for even
more ways to help!

Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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