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Reading to Kids News

April Reading Clubs Feature Books about the Environment!

Thank you so much for another successful Saturday of reading clubs on April 13! The theme of this springtime month was "The Environment," with books featuring nature- or outdoor-related subjects that promoted the appreciation and preservation of a healthy, natural environment.

We had another great turnout--between the two schools, 375 kids and 140 volunteers participated in over 70 reading clubs. Please go to our "Volunteers" page for a complete list of teachers, administrators, and volunteers who participated this month. Thanks again for your participation and support, and we hope to see you at the next reading clubs on Saturday, May 11!

Thanks to USC Pi Beta Phi for Sharing "a Piece of Its Pie!"

USC Pi Beta Phi invited students from all
over campus to sample over 30 different
kinds of pies. The group sold tickets to their
event, raising $650 for Reading to Kids!

USC Pi Beta Phi held a "Pie Social" on March 5, 2002 and raised $650 for Reading to Kids! Literacy is Pi Beta Phi's national philanthropy, and in addition to raising much-needed funds, members of Pi Beta Phi also volunteer regularly at our reading clubs.

Members of USC Pi Beta
Phi also volunteer regu-
larly at our reading clubs.

Our thanks go out to USC's Phi Philanthropy Chair and R2K Liaison, Ashley Jacobson, and to everyone who helped out with the "Pie Social." R2K also has an intern who is a member of USC Pi Beta Phi, Katie Hall, who was their Philanthropy Chair last year. This is a group of women who is very dedicated to us, and we greatly appreciate all of their efforts!

Reading to Kids Website Has a New Look!

On April 13, Reading to Kids rolled out a new-look website with new "visitor areas" that will help users find the information they seek more quickly.

New articles, to help volunteers further enrich their time spent with the kids, will be added regularly in the "Volunteers" area, and suggestions for new content in the "Parents," "Educators," and "Kids" areas are being accepted.

The website will undergo another major change, albeit less noticeable, on Monday, May 13. If you have any comments or suggestions to help us improve the site, please e-mail the webmaster at webmaster@readingtokids.org.

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