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Office Wish List

Last updated August 15, 2024

Reading to Kids can always use donations of office furniture and equipment. If you are interested in donating any of the following, please call or e-mail us at info@readingtokids.org. If we are unable to use your donation, we will donate it to one of the schools or to the children.

HP 80X HY or CF280X Black Toner Cartridge for Hewlett Packard laser printers
TN433M Magenta Toner for Brother color laser printers
TN433C Cyan Toner for Brother color laser printers
TN433BK Black Toner for Brother color laser printers
TN433Y Yellow Toner for Brother color laser printers
8 1/2 x 11 paper, white & bright colors
Avery 5164 shipping labels
Avery 5162 labels (for volunteer nametags)
Avery 5160 address labels
No. 10 envelopes
No. 6 envelopes
10" x 12" white envelopes
Markers, highlighters, dry erase markers
Clear packing tape
2" or 3" wide masking tape
Scotch clear tape
Craft supplies:
  • Construction paper
  • Safety scissors
  • Crayons & markers
  • Glue sticks
  • Craft Sticks
  • Pipe cleaners, yarn, ribbon
  • Brown paper lunch bags (for making puppets)
  • Paper plates (uncoated, so they can be drawn upon)
  • More glue sticks
  • Hospitality supplies:
  • Hot & cold cups
  • Large and small ziplock bags
  • Creamer, sugar
  • New Children's Books:
      We very happily accept donations of only new books for Kindergarten through 5th graders (5 to 11 years old). We only give new books to the kids so they can feel a sense of pride and ownership in the books they earn by attending our reading clubs.

      While very rarely a concern, it would be best to steer away from books that address controversial or overtly religious topics (though books that happen to also include religious figures should be OK). As a 501(c)(3) we have to stay away from anything overtly religious or political.

      Preferred topics include anything that features diverse characters that the children we serve can relate to, or simply for them to see a diversity of characters.
    School supplies to be given to kids at our August reading clubs:
  • Spiral notebooks (such as those made by Mead, college or wide ruled)
  • 3-ring binders (1" to 2" flexible or firm, plain or the ones with pockets
        on one or both sides and fun characters and colors)
  • 3-ring pencil pouches
  • Colorful 2-pocket folders to carry letter-size sheets of paper
  • Large rectangular erasers (e.g. those manufactured by Pearl)
  • Mechanical pencils (especially "fun" ones kids would enjoy)