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Wild Wings

Last updated Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Author: Gill Lewis
Illustrator: Yuta Onoda
Date of Publication: 2011
ISBN: 9781442414457
Grade Level: 5th    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Jul. 2023

Synopsis: The majestic Osprey is an endangered bird that hasn't been seen in Scotland for years, so when Iona McNair locates an Osprey nest, she's desperate to keep the bird safe from poachers. She shares her secret with her classmate Callum, and the two become friends as they work to save the Osprey they've named Isis. They're able to get the bird tagged by a preservationist, but after Isis flies to Africa for the winter, her signal becomes stagnant, then lost. Spurred by a promise to Iona, who has fallen ill, Callum is determined to track and save Isis, and a leap of faith and the magic of e-mail connects him with a girl in Gambia who can help him make good - in more ways than one.

Note to readers:
•  Two suggestions for reading this book:
•  Option 1: Start from the beginning to enjoy the mystery of new friends, resistance to peer pressure, and gradual appreciation of ornithology (note: one of the main characters unexpectedly passes away in Chapter 18).
•  Option 2: Start reading from Chapter 24 for a more geographical-focused reading that highlights migration behavior, collaboration, generosity, legacy-building, and forgiveness.

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  What do you think "bird of prey" means?
•  Besides farmers (who use birds to control rodent populations), what other types of "jobs" can you think of that use birds?
•  Have you ever seen a bird's nest? What kind of bird was it and how do you know?


•  loch - a bay or arm of the sea, especially when nearly landlocked
•  pattered - repeated light tapping
•  rutted - having deep tracks from the frequent passage of vehicles
•  sinuous - wavy or winding form
•  sorghum - long grass with starchy seeds commonly found in Africa, India, and China; also used for oil, fodder, and building materials
•  isobars - the distance or spacing is used to determine pressure levels for weather in meteorology

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  Where do you like to go to see wildlife, and how far away is it from home?
•  Why do you think Callum was ashamed of his friendship with Iona?
•  What is the significance of Callum's dad's advice, "you need your friends, more than you think" mean?

Craft ideas:
•  Check our craft ideas on Pinterest!
•  Using craft paper, cut out a few decals or stickers to place on windows around areas where birds may collide with glossy windows to deter injury
•  Make an origami balancing bird (YouTube tutorials available on Pinterest)

Special activities:
•  Go outside with a notepad and a pencil. Look for and listen for birds. Write about what they do. Make some sketches to log your field work! (Date, Time, Weather, Behavior)
•  Write a short poem about migration (Try a haiku for a fun challenge)

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!