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Dragons and Marshmallows (Zoey and Sassafras)

Last updated Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Author: Asia Citro
Illustrator: Marion Lindsay
Date of Publication: 2017
ISBN: 1943147086
Grade Level: 3rd    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: May 2023

Synopsis: Zoey discovers a glowing photo and learns an amazing secret. Injured magical animals come to their backyard barn for help! When a sick baby dragon appears, it's up to Zoey and Sassafras to figure out what’s wrong. Will they be able to help little Marshmallow before it's too late?

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  What is an experiment?
•  What experiments have you done? Did you enjoy them?
•  What is your favorite mythical creature?
•  If you had one for a pet, what would you name it and what would you do together?


•  Catapulted (verb; p. 34): to hurl or launch something suddenly or at great speed; send flying.
•  Anxiously (adverb; p. 36): to be afraid or nervous about what may happen; worried or concerned.
•  Reptiles (noun; p. 42): an animal that is cold-blooded, lays eggs, and has a body covered in scales. (Examples: snakes, lizards, dragons, and more)
•  Hypothesis (noun; p. 48): What you think the outcome of your experiment will be.
•  Terrarium (noun; p. 62): a glass enclosure that many pet reptiles call home.

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  What is the difference between a warm-blooded and cold-blooded animal? What was Marshmallow?
•  What was Sassafras? What are you?
•  When you are feeling sad or anxious, it is helpful to talk to someone about it even when we think they won’t understand, like Zoey did when she talked with her dad about her confusion around Marshmallow’s sickness. Who do you turn to when you are feeling down or stressed?

Craft ideas:
•  Create your own dragon! Wrap a cardboard roll with colored paper. Attach fuzzy balls, larger for the eyes, smaller for the nostrils, googly eyes to the larger fuzzy balls and crepe paper strips for the flames. Make sure to glue the crepe paper strips to the top of the mouth or they won't fly when you blow through the tube. Materials needed: paper core, construction paper, fuzzy balls, googly eyes, crepe paper strips, and glue (all included in provided bag)
•  Create your own dragon puppet! Materials needed: paper bag, Dragon PDF templates, scissors, and glue (all included in provided bag)
•  Check our craft ideas on Pinterest!

Special activities:
•  Watch Xiuhcoatl the Aztec Dragon of Fire & Lightning enjoy a chicken tamale at https://youtu.be/GAPumgTI1GE (5 seconds long)
You can also see and share a still photo of the above at

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!