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Dragonbreath #1

Last updated Thursday, October 14, 2021

Author: Ursula Vernon
Date of Publication: 2012
ISBN: 978-0803733633
Grade Level: 3rd    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Oct. 2021

Synopsis: Danny Dragonbreath can't breathe fire, but he has no fear. And that comes in handy when a bad grade at school inspires him to enlist his cousin the sea-serpent's help with a research project. Using a hybrid of comic-book panels and text, Ursula Vernon introduces an irresistible set of characters that will have readers laughing until smoke comes out of their noses!

Note to readers:
•  This is an interesting fantasy, mixing anthropomorphic real animals (like iguanas, frogs, geckos, salamanders, Komodo dragons) with total fantasy creatures (fire-breathing dragons). We have a lot of resources about dinosaurs (real dragons, but no longer in existence, right?), thanks to our dedicated volunteer and dinosaur rescuer, Paul Heinzman, at paulsprehistoricpark@gmail.com. Be sure to check out the YouTube videos posted under "Special Activities" of a dragon breathing fire and creating lightning. The "hero" of this book is a young dinosaur who can't breathe fire yet, so this is particulalry relevant.

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  What kids of reptiles andamphibians do you know about? (Iguanas, chameleons, geckos, frogs, dinosaurs - means "terrible lizard")
•  Who remembers their dreams when they wake up? What's the best dream you ever had?
•  What kind of pirate sounds can you make? (ARRR) (Speak like a pirate)


•  Starboard - on a boat or ship, facing forward, the right side
•  Jolly Roger - the Pirate flag
•  Scurvy - a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, which common on ships until the end of the 18th century.
•  Cobra - a kind of deadly snake
•  Grim (grimly) - in a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner.
•  interspersed - scattered among or between other things; placed here and there.
•  relentless - won't let up
•  bootstraps -a loop at the back of a boot, used to pull it on. Used here, get (oneself or something) into or out of a situation using existing resources.
•  motivational speaker - One who speaks to inspire and motivate an audience to succeed.
•  antacid - Antacids are medicines that neutralize the acid in your stomach to relieve indigestion and heartburn.
•  diligent - hard-working and careful about it
•  knacks - an acquired or natural skill at performing a task
•  kerosene - a light fuel oil obtained by distilling petroleum, used especially in jet engines and domestic heaters and lamps and as a cleaning solvent.
•  fallout (p. 16) - the adverse side effects or results of a situation. It comes from "radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion or accident and gradually fall back as dust or in precipitation."
•  hoard (p. 18) - a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.
•  snorkel (p. 27) - a short tube for a swimmer to breathe through while keeping their face under water. usually with a U-shaped bend near the bottom.
•  figment (p. 28) - a thing that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination.
•  snaggled, serrated (p. 41) - snaggled: markedly uneven : irregularly projecting; also : broken or decayed to stumps.; serrated: having or denoting a jagged edge; sawlike.
•  festering pustule (p. 45) - festering means "forming pus; septic." A Pustule is a blister filled with pus
•  recalcitrant (p. 48) - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline "
•  "beat a strategic retreat" - yield a point or backing down from a position in an argument

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  What's happening on page 12? (Cooking bacon by breathing fire on it!!)
•  Who is a morning person? Which of you is NOT a morning person?
•  What would you do if you saw a DRAGON at a bus stop? (picture on page 19)
•  Would you believe an iguana wearing glasses?
•  Page 35 - What is going on here? The potato salad has come alive and grabbed the fork. Could this really happen? If it could, how would you be careful? What if it could "skeletonize" (page 37) you?

Craft ideas:
•  Make a dragon crown/with spinal ridge spikes. See Pinterest post about "DIY dinosaur hat"
•  If you and the kids have a toilet paper roll and a pair of scissors, they can make a free-standing little dragon.See Pinterest.
•  Make a dragon with a paper plate cut in half. The rest of it can be cut to make a neck/head and tail, and the spikes on the back. See Pinterest.
•  Check our craft ideas on Pinterest!

Special activities:
•  Watch the magician video together.
•  Watch a dragon breathing fire at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QOBict4Elc
•  Watch a dragon create lighning at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgzORUV-RO0/
•  There is a Halloween word search that you and the kids can do on the Zoom whiteboard at https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/2800610/halloween/

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!