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Claudia and the New Girl (The Baby-sitters Club Graphic Novel #9)

Last updated Sunday, August 15, 2021

Author: Ann M. Martin
Illustrator: Gabriela Epstein
Date of Publication: 2021
ISBN: 1338304585
Grade Level: 5th    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Aug. 2021

Synopsis: Claudia has always been the most creative kid in her class... until Ashley Wyeth comes along. Ashley's really different: She wears hippie clothes and has multiple earrings, and she's the most fantastic artist Claudia has ever met.

Ashley says Claudia is a great artist, too, but thinks she's wasting her artistic talent with The Baby-sitters Club. When Claudia starts spending more time with Ashley and missing BSC meetings, it becomes clear that Claudia has to make a decision - one of them has to go!

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  School is starting in two days. How do you feel about that, especially since everyone will be masking up?
•  You're a little young to be baby-sitters yourself but you’ve probably been "baby-sat". Do you have an older sibling, aunt or uncle, cousin that babysits for you?
•  Do you sometimes "look after" a younger sibling while an adult in house takes care of a chore like preparing dinner or working on the phone or computer?

•  Pop quiz - a short test given to students without prior notice
•  Sculpture - creating art by carving, modeling or welding in plastic or harder materials into works of art.
•  Sculptress - a female (woman/girl) who creates sculpture. Feminine of sculptor.
•  Portfolio - a selection of work, completed over time, showing what an artist or art student has done to indicate skill and level of progress.
•  Art gallery - like a museum - a place where art is displayed, usually for sale.
•  Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument, typically a long drawn-out one.
•  Time management- process of organizing and planning ones specific activities in order to maximize effort and include ALL activites.

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  Pg. 27: Have you ever entered a contest like the one mentioned in the book? Such as an art contest, writing contest or something similar? What did you do?
•  Pg. 31-40: Have you or someone you know had an "adventure" like the one that Claudia had with the Rodowsky boys? Do you think the was a realistic event?
•  Pg. 47-50: What do you think of Ashley's reaction to learning that Claudia is baby-sitting instead of using her spare time to work on her art? Do you think Ashley is correct?
•  Pg. 51: What about the reaction of her club friends when she has lunch with Ashley instead of them? And later, when she is late for the club meeting at her house?
•  Do you have time conflicts like Claudia has? For example: You play a team sport like soccer that requires you to practice and attend games. You also have a hobby you are good at like Claudia’s art or writing or playing an instrument. You also have household chores at home. And of course, you have your school work to keep up with.
•  How do you manage all of the things you have to do and want to do? How do you work out the conflicts?

Craft ideas:
•  Check our craft ideas on Pinterest!
•  Draw a picture of something you did this summer. Write a story about what you did this summer
•  Draw a picture or write about a book you read this summer

Special activities:
•  Do the crossword at our Pinterest site or at https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/2622209/claudia-and-the-new-girl/downloadable/

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!