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Some Writer!: The Story of E. B. White

Last updated Monday, July 30, 2018

Author: Melissa Sweet
Date of Publication: 2016
ISBN: 0544319591
Grade Level: 4th    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Aug. 2018

Synopsis: Sweet mixes White’s personal letters, photos, and family ephemera with her own exquisite artwork to tell the story of this American literary icon. Readers young and old will be fascinated and inspired by the journalist, New Yorker contributor, and children’s book author who loved words his whole life.

Note to readers:
•  E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White was an accomplished author of children's books including Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web and The Trumpet of the Swan. He also wrote Elements of Style, a book on how to write, including punctuation and grammar.
•  Bring a map and identify the locations in the book with more specificity and accuracy than shown in the front pages of the book.

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  What is a poem?
•  Do you any have siblings?
•  How long ago was 1899?


•  cigar-box fiddle - a violin made with a cigar box as the body of the violin.
•  typewriter - a machine for writing mechanically in letters and characters before computers were invented.
•  companionship - association as companion; fellowship.
•  diminutive - small; little; tiny.
•  obituary - a notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper.

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  Who is an aunt or uncle?
•  Do you write letters to anyone?
•  Why did White receive criticism for Stuart Little?
•  Do you prefer interesting books that make sense or books that are fun and make no sense?

Craft ideas:
•  Staple paper together to make a journal, have them put their name on the cover, and write their first journal entry (see pg 11)
•  write a letter to someone in your family or write a poem.
•  Check our craft ideas on Pinterest!

Special activities:
•  Make a family tree (if you have gotten as far as pg 48) example is on inside cover

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!