Discussion topics for before reading: |
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Have you ever seen a sloth? Where?
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What do you know about them?
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Innate- existing as part of the basic nature of something
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Virtue- a good and moral quality
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Sanctuary- a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter
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Maligned- to say bad things about someone or something
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Idle- not working, active, or being used
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Idyll- a happy and enjoyable scene or experience
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Benevolent- kind and generous
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Decree- an official order given by a person with power
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Burgeoning- to grow or develop quickly
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Brood- the children in someone's family
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Digits- a finger or toe
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Medieval- very old
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Impersonation- to pretend to be something else
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Paraplegic- a person who is permanently unable to move or feel the legs or lower half of the body because of injury or illness
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Arboreal- of or relating to trees
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Algae- simple plants that have no leaves or stems and that grow in or near water
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Eccentric- tending to act in strange or unusual ways
*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions.
You can use them, but you don't have to use them.
You can expand upon them, or add your own twist.
Remember, though, that the focus of your time should
not be on the development and execution of a craft;
the focus should be on the read-aloud and the
enjoyment of the book!