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The Sign on Rosie's Door

Last updated Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Author: Maurice Sendak
Illustrator: Maurice Sendak
Date of Publication: 2002
ISBN: 0060287950
Grade Level: 2nd    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Aug. 2013

Synopsis: There was a sign on Rosie's door that said, "If you want to know a secret, knock three times." Kathy, Rosie's good friend, knocked three times and learned the secret: that Rosie was no longer Rosie, but Alinda, the lovely lady singer.

Adventures with Alinda were fun for Kathy and Sal and Pudgy and Dolly. Even Lenny, who occasionally didn't believe in Alinda, was delighted by the Fourth of July celebration that Alinda, with the help of the Magic Man, held. At the end of the celebration, Alinda was gone forever, and Rosie had returned, but she soon found something else nice to be.

Note to readers:
•  This book has 4 chapters. If there is not enough time, you might want to skip chapter 2. Each chapter is its own story. Chapter 2 is only one page. If you would like to make the craft involving "magic man", please read chapters 3 & 4.

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  Why is there a sign on Rosie's door?
•  What do you think is on the sign?

•  Arabian - person (or horse in this case) from Arabia
•  disguise - to make oneself look different, unrecognizable; almost like a costume
•  magic - any mysterious or extraordinary quality or power
•  cellar door - entry to a room or enclosed space used for storage, usually beneath the ground or under a building

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  Do you like acting in skits (short plays)?
•  Have you ever pretended to be someone from a movie? Who was it?

Craft ideas:
•  Make a hat and decorate it with bright colors, feathers, ribbons, etc.
•  Draw a "magic man" character like in the book. Add a cowboy hat, mask, wings, blue cape and ear muffs.

Special activities:
•  Act out a show like Rosie and her friends.
•  Sing "On the Sunny Side of the Street" like Rosie does in chapter 1.

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!