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Froggy's Halloween

Last updated Friday, October 6, 2006

Author: Jonathan London
Illustrator: Frank Remkiewicz
Date of Publication: 1999
ISBN: 0670884499
Grade Level: 2nd    (GLCs: Click here for grade level guidelines.)
Date(s) Used: Oct. 2006

Synopsis: The week before Halloween, Froggy is confused at what he is going to be for Halloween. Should he become a superhero or should his costume be more spooky and scary? His mind wanders during class and at home, trying to decide on his favorite costume. With so many choices, can Froggy figure out what he wants to be before Halloween?

Discussion topics for before reading:
•  How do you celebrate Halloween? Does everyone go trick-or-treating?
•  Do you do anything special for Halloween at school? Or at home?
•  Have you ever dressed up in a costume for Halloween?
•  Have you ever had trouble deciding what you wanted to be for Halloween? How did you choose? Who helped you?
•  Why is Froggy so excited for Halloween? Do you get excited for Halloween? Why or why not?

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
•  Does your house sometimes make scary noises? How do you help yourself when you are scared?
•  Are ghosts, goblins, werewolves, and witches real or make-believe? Can they really hurt you?
•  When Froggy finally chose his costume, was he trying to be scary? What ended up scaring him?
•  Why do you think no one wanted to eat Froggy?s mom?s candy? Would you eat chocolate-covered flies?
•  What is Froggy?s favorite treat that his mom gives him? What is your favorite treat?

Craft ideas:
•  Make a mask of someone/something you would like to dress up as for Halloween.
•  Make a Frog Prince Halloween mask using construction paper and yarn (to tie around your head).
•  Draw a picture of things that scare you and things that make you feel safe.
•  Creepy Crawly Spider Bracelets (a). Fold black construction paper in half. (b). Along folded edge, lay child's hand palm down (midway through palm) and trace fingers with white crayon. (c). Cut out the outline of the fingers. (d). Unfold and you have a complete image of a spider with eight legs. Now turn the spider over and with the pencil, roll the legs around the pencil...this makes the legs curl under and gives a more creepy, crawly effect. (e). Cut a 1" strip of black paper from the remaining scraps, and form it into a circle for the bracelet part. At the appropriate length, staple the ends together. (f). Attach the bracelet to the underside center of the spider using the paper fastener. (g). Glue on the wiggle eyes and the "fangs" that you design and cut from the white paper to the spider's head. (h). The child puts his/her fingers or wrist through the bracelet...the kids can make their spiders creep and crawl with a back & forth rocking motion of their wrists. The paper fastener allows the spider to turn back and forth or 360 degrees, too! For an example go to: http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/creepy.html

*Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don't have to use them. You can expand upon them, or add your own twist. Remember, though, that the focus of your time should not be on the development and execution of a craft; the focus should be on the read-aloud and the enjoyment of the book!