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       Date        Article
20-Dec-2006 Thank You Barnes & Noble Encino!
Barnes & Noble Encino's Holiday Book Drive continues until Dec. 31, and a big thanks to special holiday helpers at the Dec. reading clubs.
13-Dec-2006 Reading to Kids Sets a New Attendance Record
December's Reading Clubs were the best attended in our history, and spring internships are available.
6-Dec-2006 32 December Readers and 3 Piano Players Needed!
Volunteer readers and piano players needed at Dec. 9th Reading Clubs, and Taskforce Holiday Potluck to be held on Dec. 11.
30-Nov-2006 125 More December Readers Needed!
Dec. 9th Reading Clubs, Holiday Taskforce Potluck on Dec. 11, and Thanks to Barnes & Noble Encino
21-Nov-2006 Reading to Kids T-shirts, Annual Fund Drive Results, Holiday Potluck, and More . . .
Reading to Kids T-shirts and tote bags at the Dec. 9th Reading Clubs, Annual Fund Drive recap, and Annual Holiday Taskforce Meeting and Potluck.
16-Nov-2006 And the College Spirit Day Winner Is . . .
College Spirit Day recap, Dec. 9 reading clubs, Annual Fund Drive results, and Holiday Potluck, Open House and Taskforce Meeting on Dec. 11.
8-Nov-2006 100 Donors Needed for Annual Fund Drive!
Final week of Annual Fund Drive, College Spirit Day at Nov. 11 Reading Clubs, and sports-themed November books.
27-Oct-2006 Sign Up for Politi!
College Spirit Day at Nov. 11 Reading Clubs, Site Coordinators needed, Annual Fund Drive update, and Pumpkin Carving Social on Sun., Oct. 29!
20-Oct-2006 Show Your College Spirit on November 11th!
October Reading Club recap, Expansion to Politi Elementary, College Spirit Day at Nov. 11 Reading Clubs, Annual Fund Drive update, and Oct. 29th Pumpkin Carving Social!
9-Oct-2006 39 More Readers Needed Saturday and Annual Fund Drive in Full Swing!
Topics include reading clubs on Oct. 14 and Annual Fund Drive update.
29-Sep-2006 The October Reading Clubs Are Almost Here!
Topics include Oct. 14 reading clubs and volunteer Site Coordinator opportunities.
22-Sep-2006 Fall Internships, October Reading Clubs, and more!
Topics include "Oct. 14th Reading Clubs," "Fall Internship Opportunities," "Thanks to Grant Thornton LLP," and "You Make It Happen!"
14-Sep-2006 Reading to Kids Kicks Off Annual Fund Drive!
Topics include September reading club wrap-up, October reading club announcement, and Annual Fund Drive information.
31-Aug-2006 Join Us for the September Reading Clubs and a Bike Ride at Venice Beach!
Topics include Sep. 9 Reading Clubs featuring "Peter and the Wolf" performances and Sep. 2 Bike Ride.
18-Aug-2006 September Reading Clubs and More!
Topics include "August Reading Club Wrap Up," "Peter and the Wolf Performances at Sep. Clubs," "Noble Reading Clubs," "Classroom Helpers," "Thank You Toyota," and "Sep. 2 Venice Beach Bike Ride."
10-Aug-2006 August Reading Clubs, Dodgers Game, and Bike Ride at Venice Beach!
Topics include upcoming reading clubs, free Dodger tickets for August volunteers, and Sep. 2 bike ride social event.
2-Aug-2006 Welcome New Program Coordinator Sarah Kolterman!
Topics include "New Program Coordinator," "Aug. 12 Reading Clubs," and "Dodger Tickets for Volunteers."
25-Jul-2006 August Reading Clubs, Noble Update, and Dodgers Tickets!
Topics include Aug. 12 reading clubs and Tzu Chi-sponsored reading clubs at Noble Elementary on Aug. 26.
19-Jul-2006 Sign Up for August Reading Clubs and eScrip!
Topics include August 12 reading clubs and eScrip sign-ups.
23-Jun-2006 Join Reading to Kids at the Hollywood Bowl!
Topics include July 8 reading clubs and July 7 picnic and show at the Hollywood Bowl.
16-Jun-2006 Sign Up for July Reading Clubs!
Topics include "July Reading Clubs," "Reading to Kids Recruitment," and "Welcome Summer Interns!"
6-Jun-2006 Volunteers Needed on Saturday!
Topics include June Reading Clubs and Community Volunteer Award.
1-Jun-2006 Sign Up for June Reading Clubs and L.A. WORKS DAY!
Topics include June 3 L.A. Works Day community service event, June 10 reading clubs, and Comedy Night recap.
18-May-2006 Buy Your Comedy Night Tickets Today!
Topics include "May 24 Comedy Night Fundraiser at the Improv," "June 3 L.A. Works Day Volunteer Event," and "June 10 Reading Clubs at New School!"
10-May-2006 A Big Thanks to Our Supporters!
Topics include "Special Thanks to Recent Donors" and information on both our May 24 Comedy Night and our new Program Coordainator position.
3-May-2006 BIG SUNDAY, Comedy Night, May Reading Clubs, and More!
Thanks to all of our Festival of Books volunteers! Here are some upcoming volunteering opportunities.
26-Apr-2006 Program Coordinator Position Available
Reading to Kids seeks to add a full-time Program Coordinator to start in July 2006.
24-Apr-2006 Festival of Books, BIG SUNDAY, Comedy Night, and more!
Topics include new Program Coordinator position, "Big Sunday" volunteering opportunity on May 7, Comedy Night on May 24, and Festival of Books on April 29-30.
18-Apr-2006 Join Reading to Kids for Dinner!
Join us for a 7 p.m. dinner social at El Torito in Santa Monica on Tuesday, April 18!
13-Apr-2006 Volunteer at the Festival of Books with Reading to Kids
Topics include "May Reading Clubs," "Festival of Books on Apr. 29-30," Dinner at Santa Monica El Torito on Tue., Apr. 18," and "Reading to Kids Comedy Night on May 24."
5-Apr-2006 Sign Up for April 8th Reading Clubs!
Topics include the April 8th Reading Clubs and Volunteering with Reading to Kids at the Festival of Books.
28-Mar-2006 Take a Hike with Reading to Kids
Topics include April Reading Clubs and Saturday Hike on April 1.
16-Mar-2006 Sign Up for April Reading Clubs!
Topics include "March Reading Club Wrap Up" and "April Reading Club Sign Ups."
28-Feb-2006 Volunteer for Read Across America!
Topics include "March Reading Clubs," "Read Across America Event on 3/6 and 3/8," and "Reading to Kids Internships."
21-Feb-2006 Sign Up for March Reading Clubs!
Topics include "February Reading Club Recap" and "March Reading Club Preview."
8-Feb-2006 Tribute to Helga Hung This Saturday
Topics include last minute reading club sign-ups, a lunch gathering at El Cholo on Saturday to honor the memory of Helga Hung, and the Annual Taskforce Potluck, Meeting, and Open House on Feb. 13.
30-Jan-2006 Reading to Kids Welcomes New Program Director Jessica Tritsch
Topics include February Reading Club sign-ups, Helga Hung Tribute webpage, and new program director Jessica Tritsch.
20-Jan-2006 Helga Hung (1974-2006): In Memoriam
Long-time volunteer Helga Hung will be sorely missed. May she rest in peace.
17-Jan-2006 Jan. 17th Potluck and Meeting Postponed
Unfortunately, tonight's Taskforce Gathering needs to be postponed. Information about a future meeting will be coming soon.
6-Jan-2006 Jan. 14th Reading Clubs, Ice Skating and More!
Topics include "January Reading Clubs," "2005 Fundraising Recap," "Jan. 15 Ice Skating Social," and "Annual Taskforce Gathering on Jan. 17."
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