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Reading to Kids News Articles (2004) Get news and announcements by e-mailGet news by e-mail 
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       Date        Article
29-Dec-2004 Coming Soon: January 8th Reading Clubs!
Topics include RSVP for January, Last Chance to Donate in 2004, and Diversity-Themed Books!
21-Dec-2004 New Attendance Records in December!
Topis include December Wrap-Up, New Year's Resolutions, and Generous Donations.
3-Dec-2004 R2K on KZLA
Topics include "KZLA Covers R2K!" and Hooray for Hollywood Hike.
30-Nov-2004 Desperately Seeking...Santas (and Hikers)!
Topics include December Reading Clubs, Santa Search, and Hollywood Hills Hilking Social.
18-Nov-2004 Bruins Win It at College Spirit Day!
Topics include November Reading Club Wrap-Up , College Spirit Day Results, and Office Volunteers Needed.
16-Nov-2004 UCLA Daily Bruin Spotlights Reading to Kids
"Bruins Beat Trojans by Reading to Kids" by Shaun Bishop
15-Nov-2004 USC Daily Trojan Spotlights Reading to Kids
"College Spirit Day Aims to Promote Reading" by Steven Chen and Gigi Mann
9-Nov-2004 Countdown to College Spirit!
Topics include Reading Clubs on November 13th, Last Day for Fundraising, and Wear Your College Gear!
1-Nov-2004 Reading Clubs Win by a Landslide!
Topics include "Sign Up Today for College Spirit Day," Interns Wanted, and Annual Fund Drive Going Strong!
27-Oct-2004 25,000 Books to Kids!!!
Topics include November Reading Clubs, Annual Fund Drive Extension, and 25,000 Books!
22-Oct-2004 786 Kids, 130 Donors, and One Awesome Hike!
Topics include October Reading Club Wrap-Up, Annual Fund Drive Update, College Spirit Day in November, and Getty Hike!
19-Oct-2004 Show Your School Spirit on November 13th!
Last year, UCLA won the competition by a landslide! Which school will bring out the most volunteers for this year's college spirit showdown?
28-Sep-2004 Bunnicula Strikes in October!
Topics include October 9th Reading Clubs, October Books, and "What Can I Buy with $10?"
21-Sep-2004 Literacy in L.A. -- How YOU Make a Difference
Topics include "Study Released by Los Angeles Literacy@Work Shows Highest Rate of Undereducated Adults Are in Los Angeles" and "How You Can Make a Difference!"
14-Sep-2004 We Had a Fantastic September!
Topics include Reading Club Wrap-Up, Fund Drive Success, and Thanks to our Sponsors!
1-Sep-2004 The Annual Fund Drive Is Here Once Again!
From September 1 to October 31, you will have the opportunity to make this year's Annual Fund Drive the most successful one yet!
24-Aug-2004 Saddle Up, Readers!
Topics include September Reading Clubs, Westside Hike at the Dead Horse Trail, and Thanks to the Dwight Stuart Youth Foundation!
19-Aug-2004 Another Great Reading Club!
Topics include August Reading Club Wrap-Up, Westside Hike to the Dead Horse Trail in Topanga State Park, and Thanks to Countrywide Foundation.
12-Aug-2004 Article, T-shirts, and Fundraisers, Oh My!
Topics include August Reading Clubs, Article in Diversity in Business Magazine, and Two Theater Fundraising Events Featuring The Four Postmen and "The Good Year," a new comedy from playwright/director Stefan Marks.
19-Jul-2004 900+ Smiles in July!
Topics include July Reading Club Recap, Volunteer Recruitment Fliers, Hollywood Hike in Dog-Friendly Runyan Canyon, and "Why Volunteering Counts," including a link to a New York Times op-ed piece by Andrew Solomon discussing why the decline in reading is so troubling.
6-Jul-2004 Read for Red, White, and Blue!
Topics include July 10th Reading Clubs, Discussion Topics, and KidCity Event on July 17-18.
28-Jun-2004 Bookworms Rejoice: School's In for R2K!
Topics include July Reading Clubs, School-Themed Books, and "The Picture Walk" and More Reading Tips.
21-Jun-2004 June Gloom? Not at Reading to Kids!
Topics include June Reading Club Wrap-Up, $18,000 Grant from the Whitecap Foundation, and "Wonder of Reading" Volunteering Opportunity.
7-Jun-2004 Reading Clubs are this Saturday!
Topics include Only Four More Days to Recruit, and LA Works Day Wrap-Up.
26-May-2004 Help Us Commemorate a Landmark Anniversary!
On Wednesday, May 26th Reading to Kids celebrated five wonderful years of Monthly Reading Clubs...
18-May-2004 Hiking, a Fiesta, and Two Chances to Volunteer!
Topics include June Reading Clubs, May 26th Fifth Birthday Bash, Reading to Kids Hollywood Hike, and LA Works Day.
14-May-2004 Recruiting, Reading, and Raffles!
Topics include May Reading Club Wrap-Up, Annual Recruitment Drive, and Reading to Kids Birthday Bash.
4-May-2004 201 Volunteers Needed!
Topics include Annual Recruitment Drive, Magic's in the Air, and Baja Fresh Wrap-Up.
22-Apr-2004 Gear Up for May with R2K!
Topics include May Reading Clubs, Eat Guacamole--Raise Funds, and R2K5 at El Cholo.
16-Apr-2004 Birthdays, Bucks, Books ... and By the Way, Thanks!
Topics include April Reading Club Recap, The Big Five, Baja Fresh Fundraiser, and Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.
5-Apr-2004 Spring Fundraiser!
On April 28, 2004, Reading to Kids friends and supporters will meet up at the Westwood Village Baja Fresh...
1-Apr-2004 Lots of News from Reading to Kids!
Topics include April Reading Clubs, Wonderful Books, Save the Date(s), and Your Volunteering Matters.
26-Mar-2004 Special Events with Reading to Kids!
Topics include April Reading Clubs, Reading to Kids Turns Five, and Baja Fresh Fundraiser.
8-Mar-2004 Reading to Kids Needs You on March 13th!
Topics include March Reading Clubs, Occupational Therapy Tips for Craft Time.
26-Feb-2004 March Reading Clubs Comin' Up!
Topics include March Reading Clubs, Reading to Kids Thanks The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Read Across America Events.
20-Feb-2004 Sign Up for "Read Across America
Topics include February Reading Club Wrap-Up and Read Across America Events.
10-Feb-2004 Last Chance for the Valentine's Clubs!
Topics include February 14th Reading Clubs, Reading Tips, and Vehicle Donations.
4-Feb-2004 Celebrate Valentine's Day with Reading to Kids!
Topics include February 14th Reading Clubs, Vehicle Donations, and API Scores.
29-Jan-2004 Join us at the February Reading Clubs!
Topics include February 14th Reading Clubs, Friends and Supporters, and API Test Scores.
22-Jan-2004 Good News from Reading to Kids!
Topics include February 14th Reading Clubs, Magnolia Elementary's Great Accomplishments, and 274 Donations and Counting.
15-Jan-2004 T-shirts Galore!
Topics include January Reading Club Wrap-Up, and and T-shirt Designs.
6-Jan-2004 Reading Clubs This Saturday!
Topics include January 10th Reading Clubs, Books and Crafts, and R2K Community.
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