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Reading to Kids News Articles (2003) Get news and announcements by e-mailGet news by e-mail 
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       Date        Article
19-Dec-2003 Very Merry Reading Clubs!
Topics include December Reading Club Wrap-Up, Thanks to Our Santas, and January Reading Clubs.
5-Dec-2003 Very Merry Reading Clubs!
Topics include December Reading Clubs, Elf Search, Discussion Topics, and Raytheon Grant.
25-Nov-2003 Happy Thanksgiving from Reading to Kids!
Topics include December Reading Clubs, R2K in the News, Social Survey, and T-shirt Contest.
23-Nov-2003 UC Irvine's Newspaper, New University Spotlights Reading to Kids
"Reading Program Brings Cheer," by Aubrey Manahl
20-Nov-2003 Searching for Santas at Reading to Kids!
Topics include December Reading Clubs, Social Survey, Annual Fund Drive, Recent Grants, and T-shirt Contest.
11-Nov-2003 Record-Breaking Reading Clubs!
Topics include November Reading Club Recap, Annual Fund Drive, College Spirit Day, and T-shirt Contest.
6-Nov-2003 CSUN Daily Sundial Spotlights Reading to Kids
"Student Volunteers Help with 'Reading to Kids' Campaign," by Diana Gil
4-Nov-2003 Rah Rah Reading to Kids!
Topics include November Reading Clubs, College Spirit Day, T-shirt Contest, and Annual Fund Drive.
24-Oct-2003 Reading to Kids Update (10/24/03)
Topics include November Reading Clubs, College Spirit Day, Annual Fund Drive, and T-shirt Contest.
17-Oct-2003 TARGET 200!
Topics include more Annual Fund Drive information.
15-Oct-2003 October Reading Clubs Were a Hit!
Topics include Annual Fund Drive, November Reading Clubs, College Spirit Day, and T-shirt Contest.
14-Oct-2003 "College Spirit Day" at November Reading Clubs
November is college football rivalry month, and in the spirit of healthy rivalries (including the big one between UCLA and USC), the theme of the November reading clubs will be "College Spirit Day..."
13-Sep-2003 2003 Annual Fund Drive Kicks Off September 13
From September 13 to November 8, Reading to Kids will be holding its Annual Fund Drive...
16-Jun-2003 "Our Stories through the Arts"--Gratts Elementary Invites You to Participate in Literacy Week, June 13 - June 20, 2003
Help shine a spotlight on the joys as well as the necessity of reading. Evelyn Thurman Gratts Elementary School invites you to join join the fun in any of the following activities...
15-Jun-2003 Reading to Kids News
Topics include "Four Years and Still Going Strong!" and "Reading to Kids Thanks The Whitecap Foundation"
20-May-2003 Program Director Position Available
Reading to Kids is seeking a full-time Program Director. As the sole paid employee, the Program Director will have a unique opportunity...
12-Apr-2003 Reading to Kids News
Topics include "Reading to Kids Expands to Noble Elementary," "Reading to Kids Thanks The Wells Fargo Foundation," "Reading to Kids Thanks The Candle Foundation," and "Reading to Kids Hike Is a Success!"
27-Mar-2003 Join Us for a Fun Hike!
Please join us on Sunday, March 30th for a hike at Echo Canyon...
11-Mar-2003 The Reading to Kids Silent Auction Is a Success!
On March 10, 2003, Reading to Kids hosted a special event, "Spring for R2K at the El Dorado." The centerpiece of the evening was a silent auction, with over $4000 in proceeds benefiting Reading to Kids...
12-Feb-2003 Reading to Kids News
Topics include "Thank You February Reading Club Participants," "Reading to Kids Thanks Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern California (RMHCSC)," and "Featured Volunteer Group--USC Pi Beta Phi"
11-Jan-2003 Special Event: "Spring for R2K at the El Dorado"
Reading to Kids is hosting a special event at 7 PM on March 10, 2003 at the fabulous El Dorado restaurant in Brentwood. The event will feature music, food and fun! The centerpiece of the evening will be a silent auction, with all the proceeds benefiting Reading to Kids...
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