Volunteers needed in April!   Click here to sign up.
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Weekly News Update
May 3, 2006    

Dear Friends of Reading to Kids,

Thanks to everyone who volunteered with Reading to Kids at the Festival of Books this weekend!  Our 38 volunteers signed up over 150 new volunteers, handed out over 1,000 bookmarks and brochures, and introduced ourselves to hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees. 


Sunday, May 7th, 2006 is BIG SUNDAY, LA's Annual Day of Service.  Volunteers from all over Los Angeles will help out at more than 200 different community sites in the city.
Two of R2K's partner schools, Magnolia and Noble Elementary, will be sites for the event!
Have a Day of Blooming Together at the Great Magnolia Street School (Project #197)
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Volunteers will be planting a garden in front of the school, decorating and delivering flower pots to local seniors with Alzheimer's Disease, making gift cards and bookmarks, painting a keepsake banner, and more!

Have a Day of Science and Service at The Great Noble Avenue Elementary School (Project #164)
Time: 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm.  
Volunteers will be painting murals, planting gardens and pots full of flowers, cleaning classrooms, helping teachers make copies and other helpful classroom tasks, and more!  
For more information on BIG SUNDAY and to sign up to volunteer, visit www.bigsunday.org.


The May reading clubs are almost filled to capacity!  Thanks to everyone who has signed up!

We anticipate cancellations between now and next Friday, so if you would like to volunteer on May 13th, I encourage you to keep checking the website before our RSVP deadline (3PM Friday, May 12th) to see if spaces have opened up.  Click here to see if there are spaces available.  Further, if you have RSVP'd for the May 13th reading clubs and don't think you can make it, please cancel as soon as you can so that other volunteers can sign up in your place.


Mark your calendars for our June 10th Reading Clubs.  We will be celebrating our first reading club at our new partner school, Hoover Elementary!  This means that we will have even more volunteer opportunities in June!  You will be able to sign up online starting May 15th.


Reserve your seat today for Reading to Kids' Second Annual Comedy Night at the Improv!  This event will feature hilarious local comics, a Silent Auction, and a night of fun with fellow fans of Reading to Kids!  Click here to see the list of comedians, silent auction items, and attendees.   

Date:       Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Time:       6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Place:      Hollywood Improv  (View website)
               8162 Melrose Avenue
               Los Angeles, CA  90046
               (323) 651-2583
Tickets:   $25 plus two-drink minimum in showroom
               ****Guests must be 21 and over.****

For more information or to buy tickets
click here.


Reading to Kids is seeking a full-time Program Coordinator.  As one of two paid employees of the agency, the Program Coordinator will have an exceptional opportunity to work with a grassroots nonprofit organization.  This position offers the opportunity to help direct the growth of Reading to Kids and to bring the joy of reading to many more children in Los Angeles. 

Click here for the full Program Coordinator job description and information on how to apply.

Thanks and have a great week!
  Jessica Tritsch
  Reading to Kids
  1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
  Los Angeles, CA 90025
  (310) 479-7455
  (310) 479-7435 (FAX)
In this issue . . .
- Festival of Books
- May Reading Clubs
- June Reading Clubs
- R2K Comedy Night
- Program Coordinator Position Available
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May 2006
Reading Club Status
School Capacity  RSVPs
Esperanza 65 65
Gratts 70  70 
Magnolia  63   63 
Noble 68  66 
Click here for more program
participation statistics.
More ways to help . . .
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Taskforce information!

Help as an R2K Intern!

May Books. . .
View this month's book list!

View this month's book list!


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