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Weekly News Update
May 25, 2005    

June 11th Reading Clubs Coming Up!

Thank you to the 225 volunteers who joined us at the May Reading Clubs to read to 573 kids in attendance! By the look of things, we're going to have an excellent summer!

June is just around the corner, so please plan to join us at the June 11th Reading Clubs by clicking here to RSVP! The theme of the month is "Family," and we're reading books by Doctor Seuss, Kevin Henkes, and even Oscar Wilde (trust us -- it is for kids)!

Solstice Canyon Hike!

It?s hiking season once again! Join us for a moderately challenging hike with beautiful and mysterious scenery. See waterfalls and hidden ruins in Malibu!

      When: Saturday, June 4th. 10:00 a.m.
      Distance: 3 miles, approx. 1 ? Hours

Directions to Trailhead: Head north on Pacific Coast Highway (if driving from Santa Monica, drive roughly 17 miles north). Malibu Canyon Road will be the major landmark before you arrive at Corral Canyon Road. Turn right at Corral Canyon Road. About a quarter mile up, you will see the gated entrance to Solstice Canyon.

Additional Information: Parking is free. Good things to bring: Hiking boots, water, sunscreen & a camera. And, of course, bring a friend -- friends and family are always welcome! And, this event will be cancelled in the event of rain.

If you have any questions please contact Jeff Carter, the Social Chair at (310) 497-1796 or at jeffcart1@hotmail.com.

Click here to access a Mapquest Map of the location.

Spread the Word About Reading to Kids!

Reading to Kids relies on hundreds of volunteers each month to make our Reading Clubs so much fun. Many of these volunteers participate in our events because they hear about the Reading Clubs from their alumni groups, clubs, or company newsletters. While Reading to Kids has relationships with many local volunteer groups, we know that you, our volunteers, have connections to thousands of other agencies and companies. We would love to have your help in inviting these groups to join us at the Reading Clubs.

If you have a connection with a business, alumni association, or other organization whose members might enjoy participating with Reading to Kids, please help us to spread the word! If you can think of any groups that might be interested, please contact the Co-Chair of our Volunteer Relations Committee, Helga Hung HelgaHung@readingtokids.org, and she will contact you to discuss.

Last But Not Least - Our Friends at Hollywood Momentum!

Many of our volunteers work in the entertainment industry and a good number of these folks work at studios or agencies as assistants. One R2K volunteer, Lisa McDivitt, used the ups and downs of her experience in Hollywood as fuel for a newly launched online magazine, Hollywood Momentum.

Lisa is one of many people who have been kind enough to put a link to Reading to Kids on her website. If you have a link to Reading to Kids on your website, let us know: we'll try to mention you in one of our upcoming Updates.


Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- Last Minute Sign-Ups
- Solstice Canyon Hike!
- Help Spread the Word!
- Hollywood Momentum
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June 2005
Reading Club Statistics
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 21 68
Gratts 11 68
Magnolia 12 70
Noble 11 94
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as a reader!
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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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