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Reading to Kids 2024 Annual Fund Drive!
Reading Club Photos
Our goal is to raise $65,000 from 500 donors.

Totals to date:
$8,150 from 80 donors

Help us celebrate our silver anniversary by contributing to Reading to Kids' 2024 Annual Fund Drive!

Each year, from the October to the December reading clubs, we ask our supporters to help us inspire underserved children with a love of reading by making a donation to Reading to Kids.

For the past 25 years Reading to Kids has been able to thrive thanks to the thousands of hours of participation by teachers, administrators, parents, volunteers, and elementary school children
(click here for program statistics) and thanks to generous financial contributions by foundations, businesses, agencies, and individuals like you.

In May 1999, Reading to Kids held its first reading club with 20 students and 8 volunteers at Gratts Elementary School. 25 years later across seven elementary partner schools, an average of 383 Reading to Kids volunteers read to 554 children each month prior to the pandemic, with an average of 203 volunteers reading to 383 children during and since the pandemic. We read via Zoom from May 2020 - August 2022. Starting September 10, 2022 we returned back to in-person, on campus reading clubs and continue building on our success!

Kids emerge from our program with more enthusiasm for reading, books for their home library, stronger school libraries, personal relationships with volunteers, and changed attitudes for reading in English!

To sustain and expand our program, we need your help! Your donation will help to purchase hardcover books for elementary school libraries in low-income communities, fund book donations directly to children and parents to help them develop their own home libraries, and expand our program into new schools and communities.

Please join us by donating to Reading to Kids today.

If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive, please feel free to contact Charlie Orchard at the Reading to Kids office at (310) 479-7455 or by email at Charlie.Orchard @

Thank you for your support!

Thanks to Our 2024 Annual Fund Drive Participants!
Aaron Abromowitz
John Acuna
Maria Adame
Anonymous (1)
Lillian Avalos
Karla Avalos
Jennifer Balladares
Casey Baum
Patricia Bergey
Kamryn Bernstein
Nancy Brandel
Sharon Brown
Jessica Chong
Soyoon Choo
Jennifer Clark
Catherine Conlin
Miranda Corbell
Jose de la Torre
Tiffany Ezuma
Jeremy Falcone (in honor of Josh Brener)
Liesel Friedrich
Catherine Gray
Greg Hasty
Jennifer Hendrickson
Paola Horta
Luke Hung (in memory of James Ostiller)
Thom Hunt
Didi Ikeji
Brianne Jackson
Torino Johnson
Tami Johnson
Shinhae Kahng
Irene Kao
Teig Keenan
Sydney Kump
Maggie Leung
Max Levy
Alfredo Lezama
Chris Martin
Dilek Mir
Nineli Mirabian
Brittney Morrow
Jordan Neysmith
Cathy Ostiller (in memory of Rosemarie & Jim Ostiller and Cliff Marcus)
Daphne Peponides
Lane Petrauskas
Michael Raley
David Rickard
Shai Rogers
Jasmin Romo
Glenn Rossney
Mariel Rubio
Mary Rubio
Sarthak Sahu
Nicola San Juan
Emily Sandersfeld
Tina Sanderson
Emi Shibata
Julie Shulse
Jennifer Sierra
Jit Singh
Asha Slyker
Christie Smith
Marco Solis
Brandon Stroman
Steve Taylor
Vandana Thadani
Stan Thompson
Jason Tran
Andrea Valverde
Robert Vasquez
Fran Wild
Alec Wild
Sylvie Wilson
Charissa Wilson
Jacqueline Wu
Helen Wu
Lijie Yang
Thomas Young
Danielle Zamakhovski
If your name should be included in this list, please contact us at info @ to let us know.

 How to Participate

Donate by check:
  Mail your donation to:
  Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025

If you like, click here to let us know by email at your name, address, and the amount you are donating.
Donate Online via PayPal:
(no PayPal account required)
If using the PayPal app on your phone, send money to

Donate by Venmo:
  Our Venmo is @readingtokids

(You may need to press the "Charities" button to find us.)
Help us Fundraise!
  Supporters who would like to become one of our 2024 fundraising Angels by encouraging family and friends to donate to Reading to Kids can use our Reading to Kids donor sheet OR Fundraise for us on Facebook.

Click here for additional fundraising materials, including a sample email to send to family and friends!

More Donation Options...
  Click here to review more donation options, including
(1) setting up a recurring credit card donation,
(2) listing items for sale on eBay with some of the proceeds going to Reading to Kids, and
(3) registering your grocery store club cards through eScrip and Ralphs


What Can Your Dollars Buy?

Here are some examples* of how your contribution can make a difference in the lives of the young readers we work with each month:
$5 4 take-home prize books for participating kids
$18 13 take-home prize books for participating kids
$50 4 hardcover read-aloud books
$130 100 take-home prize books for participating kids
$250 20 hardcover read aloud books
$400 1 month worth of read-aloud books at one school
$650 500 take-home prize books for participating kids
$850 All of the reading club expenses (books, supplies, and food) for month of reading clubs at one school
$1,300 1,000 take-home prize books for participating kids
$10,000 All of the reading club expenses (books, supplies, and food) for one year of reading clubs at one school
*Note: All prices and purchases are approximations that illustrate the cost of these items for Reading to Kids
Special thanks to our top
fundraiser Angels in 2024!

Become a Reading to Kids Angel
by gathering at least 10 donations!

Check back soon for our first
Angels to be listed here!