Share the wonder of reading by making a contribution to Reading
to Kids' 2017 Annual Fund Drive!
Each year, from the October to the December reading clubs, we ask our
supporters to help us inspire underserved children with a love of
reading by making a donation to Reading to Kids.
Reading to Kids has been able to thrive thanks to the thousands of
hours of participation by teachers, administrators, parents,
volunteers, and elementary school children
here for program statistics)
and thanks to generous financial contributions by foundations,
businesses, agencies, and individuals like you.
In May 1999, Reading to Kids held its
first reading club with 20 students and 8 volunteers at Gratts Elementary
School. Eighteen years later, on average, 371 Reading to Kids
volunteers read to 824 children each month at eight elementary schools!
Kids emerge from our program with more enthusiasm for
reading, books for their home library, stronger school libraries, personal
relationships with volunteers, and changed attitudes for reading in English!
In order to sustain and expand our program, we need
your help! Your donation will help to purchase hardcover books for
elementary school libraries in low-income communities, fund book donations
directly to children and parents to help them develop their own home libraries,
and expand our program into new schools and communities.
Please join us by making a donation to Reading to Kids.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive, please feel free to
contact Charlie Orchard at the Reading to Kids office at (310)
479-7455 or by email at Charlie.Orchard @
Thank you for your support!
to Our 2017 Annual Fund Drive Participants! |
21st Century Fox
Mary Abdo
Ray Adams
Sana Ahmed
Michelle Ahnn
Ashley Ajayi
Rebecca Aldana
Beth Alexander
Bryant Alvarado
Kelli Amirnovin
Cheryl Amor
Orletha Anderson
Arielle Anderson
Helen Anderson
Alexandrina Andre
Ryan Anglin
Anonymous (12)
Linda & Kenneth Antonioli
Angela Armstrong
Beverly Atkins
Mary Auth
Heather & Jason Axe
Christin Backley
Cindy Ann Bader
Karen Badon
Jake Bakke
Martha Balkan
Ken Barnard
Henkie Barron
Steve Baumgartner
Kelly Benton-Klein
Kelly Berardi
Anika Berde
Susan Berger
Khristian Berrio (Divine Diosa)
Nicole & Michael Best
Paul Bielma
Corey Blankenhorn
Jean Blazey
Katharine Boone
Kat Boyd
Dalet Brady
Christina Brandt
Meghan Brener
Iliana Brenes
Beatrice Breslaw
Erika Brooks
Marcia & Dennis Brooks
Heather Brooks
Joey Brown
Sharon Brown
Anthony Brown
Jessica Brown-Clark
Julia Buck
Haylie Burch
Michael Burke
Emelie Burnette
Frances Calderon
David Callahan
Nancy Camacho
Sarah Campbell
Natasha Capener
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation corporate matching gift
Tanya Carabio
Susan Carr
Mardi Caruso
Racheal Caswell
Ananias Chairez
Jennifer Chang
Victor Chao
Charlotte Char
David Charlot
Omar Chavez
Jackie Chavira
Jamie Chazen
Eric Chen
Oscar Chen
David Cheney
Chevron Matching Employee Funds
Robyn Chew
Toni Childers
Russell Chittenden
Yu Rha Choi
Jessica Chong
Soyoon Choo
Josi Chow
Kathleen Chu
Paul Chung
Diana Ciontea
Jenine Civil
Alexis & Jesse Clift
The Coca-Cola Company
Wanda Colar
Priscilla Contreras
Carrie Cook
Rachel Corell & Adam Zelin
Darrel Cory
Molly Creeden
Crosswords LA
Meredith Cruse
Shai Culver
Steven Currie
Yma Dandridge
Jeanne Dang
Thomas Daniels
Kristin Dannemiller
Viet Dao
Danielle Davis
James Dekay
Diana Demayo-Brown
Alma & Shane Dingman
Chloe Ditzel
Ruby & Alfonso Diy
Christine Do
Michele Downie
Roelisa Dudang
Joanna Duff
Damon Dunbar
Eric Dunlap
Peter Duong
Presciliano Duran
Jill Durkin
Reema Dutt
Eli Edelson
Lauren Edelstein
Carolina Enciso
Lisa English
Scott Erickson
Adrianna Espinoza
Donna Even-Kesef
Linette Fan
Maria Faruolo
David Feldstein
Anahita Ferasat
Raul Fernandez
Ashley Fick
Tashia Finley
Kevin Fisher
Steve Frattarola
David Freedland
Carol Fuchs
Veronica Fuog
Kelly Gajewski
Robert Garcia
George Gatson
Theresa Gaydon
Linda Geiger
Andrew Gelfeld
Bill Gelfeld
Dennis Gibson
Dawn Gibson
Clifford Gillman
Rebecca Gimple
Carrie Goggans
Michael Goldberg
Lesley Goldman
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Ronnie Gomez
Jeffrey Goodman
Myrna Goodman
Chrissy & Alex Governatori
Miriam Grabher
Jennifer Grannis
Jaimi Gray
Karen Green
Gloria Greengard
Michelle Greer
Shannon Gregory
Sarah Grogan
Christina Guevarra
Jinghan Guo
Shipra Gupta
Stephanie Haber
Casey Hackett
Shaena Hall
Brenda Handwerker
Eutha Hankinson
Hardhi Harris
Mark Harrison
Nat Hawkins
Bing He (Friends of Mark Walczyk)
Danielle Heitmuller
Julie Heldman
Jennifer Hendrickson
Sivilay Henry
Vera Herbert
Bernice Hernandez
Victoria Herrera
Patrick Hirsch
Ka Wai Ho
Kathleen Ho
Carlyn Hofmeister
Ken Hoo
Lesley Hopkins
Tomoko Horie
Heather Horn
Andrew Hottovy
Sophia Hsieh
Wallace Huang
Charlene Huang
Helen & Hin Hung
Susan Hunt
Shabnum & Ali Husain
Mohammad Hussain
Skylar Ibarra
Elisa Ibarra
Melissa Ingram
Jennifer Jackson
Barbara Jacobs
Jeremiah James
Jennifer Jastrzab
Joyce Jastrzab
Mona Javdan
Noreen Jenkins
Mariana Jimenez
Rita Johnson
Ousman Jobe & Kathleen Lungren
Katie Jones
Debi Jones
Debra & William Jones
Matthew Jones
Christy Jones
Pamela Jones
Andy & Nick Jones-Liang
Lucinda Joseph
Norman Joseph
Vanessa Joslyn
Helin Jung
Amelia Kacena
Elmira Karimova
Carol & Gerry Karmele
Amie Kashon
Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Foundation
Patrick Keeley
Becca & Dan Kennedy
Jason Kennedy
Jason Kenniston
Nachi Keta
Meerue Kim
Ariel King
Emily & Jarrod King Quon
Karen Kiss
Edward J. Klein
Kleiner Cohen Foundation
Lynzee Klingman
Karen Ko
Dylan Kohler
Nicole Kong
Erin Koning
Ingrid Koopman
Eva Kouassi
Suzanne Kudirka
Paula Kuhns
Sinh Lam
Erika Lam
Linda Lang
Erick Lankey
Shirley Lantz
Bob Lapin
Lisane Lapointe
Samuel Laskey
Salvo Lavis
Lauren Lawson
June Le
Abby Leaders
John Leal
Dana Ledbetter Pero
Natalie Ledwell
Jessica Lee
Autumn Lee
Sunny Lee
Richard Lefkowitz
Delfin Legaspi
Colleen Leigh
Kayava Lenoir
Maggie Leung
Chase Levy
Greg Lewis
David Lieberman
Jenny Lin
Grace Lin
Julia Lisa
Jane Lofton
Andrea Loney
Connie Luc
Guyanne Lufrano
Sonia Luna
David Luong
Kaitlin Lurquin
John Lyon
Johnson Ma
Leah Mackinny-Buckley & Gary Buckley
Gordon MacMorran
Susan Madden
Vanitha Mahalingam
Michele Mairani
Yee-Lum Mak
Marian Maldonado-Pagan
Lisa Mandel
Claire Manneh
Christina Mar
Cliff Marcus
Samantha Mardyla
Alegria Maron-Gaines van Rooy
Wendy Marquardsen
Chris Martin
Carole Martin
Daniel Martinez
Raul Martinez
Alayna Martino
Jonathan Masserwick
Tony Mastria
Diana Matsushima
Sofia & Stephen Matthews
Melissa Matthews Gilpin
Lisa Maureen
Mark May
H. Michael May
Craig May
M. Scott May
Ken Mayne & Deborah LaFranchi
Tonita Mays
Jayson McCallum
Paula Mcclellan
Aubrey McClure Campbell & Scott Campbell
Patrick McDivitt
Candice McFadyen
Margi McFadyen
Lorraine McIntire
Lisa Marie McLaughlin
Clare McNicoll
Jonathan Mead
Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
Nubia Melendez
Jose Mendez
Dean Mengaziol
Ben Meredith
Melissa Merrill
Aleema Michal
Callie Miller
Tonya Miller
Catherine Millstein
Shashwat Mishra
Brian Mitchell
Preema Modi
Amol Mody
Francisco Montes
Cynthia Montes
Lori Moose
Jessica Morgan
Shelagh Moriarty
Greg Morishige
Kristy & Sean Morris
Theodora Morris
Tilden Moschetti
Julie Moskovitz
Nish Narayan
Devora Navera Reed
Moses Negus
Brandon Neslund
Tina Newsome
Jordan Neysmith
Karen Ng
Dee Nguyen
Dalena Nguyen
Kimberly Nguyen
Sharon Nguyen
Esther Nguyen
Jenna Nicholson
Joy Nicolini
Ebba Oestereng
Casey Ohashi
Vicki Ohliger
Ana & Ali Oktay
Jami Olson
Matthew Olson
Charity Onyegbule
Carrie & Charlie Orchard
Marjorie Ornston
Cathy Ostiller
James & Rosemarie Ostiller
Richard Ostiller
Patricia Ostiller
Lisandra Pagan
Phyllis Palineckhouse
Michael Panos
Luz Parada
Karen Park
Yatin Parkhani
Kosha Patel
Julia Patterson
PayPal Giving Fund
Gabrielle Penaranda
Nidia Peralta
David Perez
Giselle Perez de la Garza
Michael Peterson
Jeremy Peterson
April Peterson
Theresa Phan
Conner Plant
Michael Porter
Myron Porter
Beth Porter
Kimberly Powers
Maria Prado
Ramana Prakash
Marilyn Prebul
Heide Preiss
Andy Provenzano
Jennifer Quintero
Michael Raley
Anne Ramis
Diane Randgaard
Marlene Rapkin
Jane Rascoff
Annabelle Rea
Reed Family Foundation
Michelle Reeves
Ti Revak
Andrea Reyes
Paul Rice
Janiece Richard
David Rickard
Roger Rickard
Kathryn Ritchie
Susan Ritter
Jackie Rivera
Raquel Rodriguez
Melvin Rodriguez
Bryan Rollins
Glenn Rossney
Mariel Rubio
YiChin Ryan
Mahdy Safieddine
Barbara & Evan Salop
Rosalind Salzman
Jesus Sanchez
Melissa Sanders
Emily Sandersfeld
Tom Santry
Jeff Sargeant
Jennifer Sarkisian
Eileen Scahill
Yvette Schaffer
Lynette Scheid
Kaitlin Schluter
Kelly Schmit
Jamie Schreiber
Aaron Schroeder
Julie Schulse
Allison Schumacher
Casey Schuman
Donna & Harold Schuman
Ann Schwab
Genese Scott
Amanda Sellers
Prince Selvage
Ina Setiadji
Neil Shah
Susan Shapiro
Briana Sharp
Benjamin Shea
Rich & Kristin Shimano
Susan Shioya
Fatimah Shittu
Iliza Shlesinger
Daniel Silverberg
Sean Silverman
Daphne Slater
Aldana Smith
Marco Solis
Jackie Song
Angela Sonner
Ian Sotomayor
John Stavrakos
Alyson Stehly
Sonia Stevenson
Zoe & William Stubbeman
Kristen Studard
Stephanie Suntwanuparp
Miraya Surya
Ann Dee Sutton
Laura Swan MacMorran
David Sykora
Marilyn & Armin Szatmary
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Ashley Tabaddor
Ella Tabasky
Duke Tackie
Janice Tam
Tami Tarnow
Carla Tassara
Kathy Teal
Lourdes Teh
Nondumiso Tembe
Rex Tercero
Stephanie Thai
Peter Thaler
Stan Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Tracy Thompson
Morgan Thrower
Ainos Ting
Julie To
Jon Tomlin
Robin Torres
Bill Tortu
Kate & David Trifiletti
Christine Tringale
Jaanhvi Vaidya
Mark Valente
Lisa Vance
Alex Vargo
Rina Varughese
Valery Vasquez
Lucy Vay
Selina Vazquez
Freddy Velasco Leon
Jennifer Vercelli
Joy Vest
Emilia Vigil
Ceal Vignovich
Celeste Voce
Victoria Vogel
Jean Vondras
Maya Walker
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Zhirui Wang
Rana Wardlaw
Zachary Warma
Harriet Weaver
Katrina Webb
Janet Webb
S. Weber
James Wei
Rebecca Weinreich
Sophia Weiss
Les Werlin
Patrick White
Clayton White
Simonia White
Daniel White
Jackie Wilcox
Kerry Willemsen
Jessica Williams
Anne Williams
Julienne Wills
Kori Wilson
Toni Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Wonderful Giving
Candace Wong
Ninette Wood
Kristin Wu
Angela Wu
Frank Wuts
Agnes Xie
Amy Xu
Jing Xu
Jennie Yamaki
Ayae Yamamoto
Robert Yee
Liz Yoon
Cheryl Yosowitz & Shaun Zaken
Kimiko Young
Onna Young
Jason Zelin
Joel Zeron
Rick Zessar
Jennifer Zidow
Kay Ziesche
Betsy Zimbalist
Annemarie & Richard Zimmerman
If your name should be included in this list, please
contact us at info @ to let us know.
for all* donors in 2017.
(Please note that the 2017 list may not yet show recent Annual
Fund Drive contributors.)
to Participate |
• |
Donate by check: |
click here to submit a pledge form to
Reading to Kids
and then mail your donation to:
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
• |
Donate Online via PayPal: (no PayPal account required) |
• |
More Donation
Options... |
Click here
to review more donation options, including (1) setting up a
recurring credit card donation, (2) listing items for
sale on eBay with some of the proceeds going to Reading to
(3) registering your grocery store club cards through
eScrip and Ralphs, and
(4) registering for FREE with Amazon Smile to donate 0.5% of your purchases to Reading to
• |
Help us Fundraise! |
Supporters who would like to encourage family and friends to
donate to Reading to Kids can use our
Reading to Kids
donor sheet OR share our
Reading to Kids
Click here for additional fundraising materials, including a
sample email to send to family and friends!
Can Your Dollars Buy? |
Here are some examples* of how your
contribution can make a difference in the lives of the young
readers we work with each month:
$5 |
4 take-home prize books for
participating kids |
$18 |
15 take-home prize books for
participating kids |
$50 |
hardcover read-aloud books |
$125 |
100 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$250 |
20 hardcover read aloud books
$400 |
1 month worth of
read-aloud books at one school
$625 |
500 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$850 |
All of the reading club expenses
(books, supplies, and food) for month of reading clubs at
one school |
$1,250 |
1,000 take-home prize
books for participating kids |
$10,000 |
All of the reading club expenses
(books, supplies, and food) for one year of reading clubs at
one school |
*Note: All prices
and purchases are approximations that illustrate
the cost of these items for Reading to Kids.
Special thanks to our top
fundraiser Angels in 2017! |
Toni Childers
(10 Donors, $25 )
Yma Dandridge
(14 Donors, $545 )
Matthew Jones
(30 Donors, $3,028 )
Prince Selvage
(11 Donors, $210 )
Katie Jones
(7 Donors, $535 )
Mark May
(13 Donors, $5,325 )
Jessica Brown-Clark
(8 Donors, $156 )
Patrick White
(9 Donors, $890 )
Jen Hendrickson
(7 Donors, $210 )