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Weekly News Update
July 19, 2004    

Hi Everyone!

Reading to Kids broke kid attendance records with over 900 children in attendance on July 12! Thanks to all 215 volunteers who attended in July -- you helped ensure each of these kids had a great time!

Please click here for a list of the outstanding volunteers who read this month!

The August 14th clubs are coming right up, so make sure to RSVP early by clicking here to sign up for next month! If trends continue, we'll need loads of volunteers at all of our schools!

Reading to Kids has made some amazing strides in the last five years. Click here to take a look at our online statistics page to see how much difference you've made over the years.

Volunteer Fliers!

One thing each R2K volunteer can do to help Reading to Kids is to post volunteer fliers in their workplace, at the local bookstore or library, at the corner coffee shop, or at the gym. Some volunteers print and cut a few dozen of these fliers to keep in their cars, and post them wherever they see bulletin boards!

Please click here to access a Reading to Kids flier for posting around your neighborhood! Remember: if each volunteer posted just one flier, we'd have nearly 2,000 new opportunities to let people know about this great organization!

R2K Hollywood Hike: "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

Our Social Committee has another fun outdoor adventure planned for this weekend: a hike in Runyan Canyon! All of your 2 legged and 4 legged friends are welcome!

Where: Runyan Canyon, Hollywood
When: July 26th, 10 AM
Hiking Time: 1 hour
Runyan Canyon is a centrally-located dog friendly park with great views of Hollywood.

Driving Directions: At the intersection of Franklin Avenue and Highland Avenue in Hollywood, drive 0.3 miles West on Franklin Ave to Fuller Avenue. Turn Right and continue 0.5 miles to The Pines gate at the end of the road. Street parking is available.

If you have any questions please contact Jeff Carter, the Social Chair at (310) 497-1796 or jeffcart1@hotmail.com.

Why Volunteering Counts!

We often forget just how important teaching children to read can be, but a recent New York Times article highlights why volunteerism like yours is so important. One of our outstanding volunteers forwarded me this information from the article, which bases its findings on the 2002 Census:

  • Fewer than half of all Americans over 18 read novels, short stories, plays or poetry.
  • Reading is in decline among all age groups and demographics.
  • Readers are far more likely than nonreaders to do volunteer work, contribute to charity and engage in social or cultural endeavors. (43% vs. 17%).
  • Hispanics (26.5) read less than African-Americans (37.1) who read less than whites (51.4), but all categories are declining.
  • In 1982, 59.8% of 18-24 year olds read literature, compared to 42.8% in 2002.

To read more about why this decline in reading is so troubling, please click here to link to a New York Times op-ed piece by Andrew Solomon.

Thanks again for all you do to inspire our young readers!

Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- July Wrap-up
- Post a Flier!
- R2K Hike this Weekend!
- Study of Reading Habits
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July 2004
Reading Club Statistics
School Kids Volunteers
Esperanza 233 44
Gratts 171 46
Magnolia 212 80
Noble 285 45
Click here to sign up
as a reader!
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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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  Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.