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Weekly News Update
February 26, 2004    

Hey everyone!

March Reading Clubs

We're soon to be in March, and that means that the Reading Clubs are only two short weeks away!  Don't hesitate to sign yourself up for the March 13th Clubs so that you ensure you've got a space at your favorite school!  Please click here to sign up!

Reading to Kids Thanks The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation!

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation has continued its generous support of Reading to Kids with a recent pledge of $15,000 to support our Reading Clubs!  The foundation "strives to support and facilitate the work of the region's best nonprofit organizations, recognizing that many of those in need today will go on to shape the future of Southern California, to define it, redefine it, and help it set and achieve new goals."  For more information about this wonderful community partner, please click here!

Thanks to you, our outstanding donors and volunteers, for making Reading to Kids one of "the region's best" grassroots organizations.  We are so lucky to have the kind of outstanding community support we do: people are consistently amazed to hear about what kind of movement you've worked to create.  Thanks!

Read Across America

Noble Elementary has announced that it will hold its Read Across America celebrations on Dr. Seuss's birthday, March 2nd, throughout the day!  To participate in Noble's activities, which will include reading to kids and making Seuss-inspired appearances in classrooms, please contact Literacy Coach Gayle Wolf at (818) 920-1203 to participate!  If you can, bring along a Dr. Seuss book to read aloud!

Remember: to sign up for Magnolia Elementary's February 27th events, scheduled from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., please contact Marcela Ramirez at (213) 748-6281 to RSVP.  To sign up for Esperanza Elementary's March 2nd events, scheduled between 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., please contact Julie Dixon at (213) 484-0326.

Thanks for your great support, everyone!

Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- March Reading Clubs
- Thanks to the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
- Read Across America
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Special Thanks
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
$15,000 grant, Feb. 2004
Click here for more about
The Ralph M. Parsons
How to help...
March 2004
RSVP Tally to Date
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 16 75
Gratts 15 75
Magnolia 21 105
Noble 9 75
Click here to sign up
as a December reader!
More ways to help...
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Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.           Visit http://readingtokids.org for more information.
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  Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.