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Weekly News Update
January 22, 2004    

Hi R2K Fans!

So much good news lately, it's hard to know where to start!

February Reading Clubs

One thing is clear: the February 14th Reading Clubs are bound to be loads of fun.  Be sure to click here to sign up for these "Friendship"-themed clubs (and don't forget to bring your sweetheart -- it's Valentine's Day!).

Magnolia's Great Accomplishments

But, the best news of late is that Magnolia Elementary School has increased its Academic Performance Index by 95 points in the last year - that's the fifth highest increase among 432 LAUSD schools!  The school's goal was a mere 11-point increase from last year's score of 529, but administrators attest that Reading to Kids volunteers' efforts to help Magnolia students read and achieve are central to this astounding accomplishment. 

Their letter to "Reading to Kids Volunteers, Past and Present" reads:
"You have played an important role in sharing the joy of reading and learning with our students over the past three years, and there is no doubt this has positively influenced their academic achievement." 

I've been asked to extend a big thank you to Magnolia volunteers from the school's Principal, Assistant Principals, teachers, and administrators.  

274 Donations and Counting!

But that's not all: the list of our 2003 donors was updated last weekend, and we now count 274 individual donations!  Please click here for an updated list of donors!

What a wonderful New Year it has been for R2K! With your help, 2004 will be our best year yet!

Thanks for all of your support and your efforts to make your community as strong as it can be!


Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)

In this issue...
- February 14th Reading Clubs
- Magnolia's Great Accomplishments!
- 274 Donations and Counting!
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February 2004
RSVP Tally to Date
School RSVPs Capacity
Esperanza 25 70
Gratts 19 70
Magnolia 19 100
Noble 15 70
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participation statistics.
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  Reading to Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.