Hi everybody!
December Reading Clubs are coming up on the 13th of the month -- it's sooner than you think! Because we were so full last month, please consider filling
out your RSVP as soon as possible for the Holiday Clubs by clicking here!
Here are last month's statistics...
732 children (a new record!)
263 volunteers -- click here to find out who!
110 parents
24 teachers and staff
Many thanks to all who made these record-breaking clubs possible!

Planning for December 13th's Reading Clubs is well underway, but there are
several special things that volunteers can do this month to help out in
preparation for the clubs. First, we're hoping to get a
Santa in every school but still need ONE MORE COSTUME to outfit a volunteer Santa!
We want to ensure that all of the kids at the Reading Clubs get a
chance to visit with Santa Claus this year -- we'd hate to leave one of the schools out! If you can donate the use of a costume on the
13th, please contact the Reading to Kids office at (310) 479-7455.
As a special thank-you to kids who attend our Reading Clubs, Reading to Kids (with Santa's help!) will raffle off prizes for the kids including a grand prize of one computer at each school and extra toys and prizes donated by our volunteers. If you would like to donate something special this holiday season, please consider bringing a new or gently used copy of your favorite childhood book to the Reading Clubs for donation to one of our lucky participants!

Do you like going to Reading to Kids Reading Clubs? Do you wish you could see your fellow volunteers more often than just once a month? Well here's your chance: our Social Committee has created a survey to find out what kind of events YOU would like to attend with other R2K volunteers! To access this snazzy online survey (masterminded by our Website Committee!) please click here!

Results are (almost!) in...
While we're still counting donations from the Annual Fund Drive, we're already up to 240 separate donations and over $13,000 -- well above our goals! The generosity of our volunteers continues to impress me. Updated Annual Fund Drive results and a complete list of donors to date should be available online by tomorrow, November 21.
The generous monetary gifts of all of our supporters help us to promote reading and learning skills in elementary school children, develop the library resources of participating schools, furnish books for children's homes, provide enriching and rewarding volunteering opportunities, and work towards the expansion of the successful "Reading Club" program to more elementary schools. If you'd like to join others in contributing to Reading to Kids, please click here!

Recently, we received $5,000 grants from the Hilton Hotels Corporation and the Pacific Life Foundation!
We are delighted to be collaborating with Hilton and Pacific Life to instill a love of reading in Los Angeles children!

Finally: please submit your T-shirt design ideas to the Reading to Kids office, by mail, fax, or e-mail, or bring them to the next Reading Clubs!
I know there are artists out there -- just think: your artistic masterpiece will be proudly worn by generations of R2K volunteers (and by generations, we mean at least one or two college classes).
And hey, you'll also get a free T-shirt if your design wins!
Be sure to include our web address, "www.readingtokids.org," in your designs. The deadline is Saturday, December 13.
Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for all you do for Reading to Kids!

Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)