donations for the Annual Fund Drive, which ended on November 8th. Not only did we surpass our goal for the total number of
donations, we also surpassed our $12,000 goal for the two-month drive!
We are all so fortunate to be affiliated with an organization with such
broad-based community support. Thank you for everything each of you did to
ensure that our AFD 2003 was a groundbreaking success. I continue to be in
awe of the devotion and generosity of our volunteers. Thank you so much!
Please look for an e-mail later in the week regarding the
Annual Fund Drive outcome and Reading Club statistics.

Our first-ever, volunteer-organized College Spirit Day was also a tremendous
success, as I'm sure you noticed if you attended the clubs: college gear could
be spotted on nearly every volunteer. As a USC fan, I'm sad to admit that
UCLA in fact WON the overall College Spirit Day, with
roughly 65 volunteers in UCLA garb! More news to come later in the week,
but suffice to say, it wasn't pretty for the Trojans!
Because we were so full last month, please consider filling
out your RSVP as soon as possible for the Holiday Clubs by clicking here!
December is going to be a wonderful Reading Club month for children and
adults alike! We are planning to give away a computer to one lucky child at
each of the four schools, and we'll be raffling off many additional prizes as well.
Also, several of our volunteers have planned holiday parties and will be asking their guests
to bring their favorite childhood book along in lieu of a gift. We'll donate
these books at the December clubs! If you have new children's toys or books to
donate, please let us know.
And, we're still taking submissions for the R2K T-shirt contest, so please plan to submit any last-minute designs by mail, fax, or e-mail by this Friday, November 14.
Thank you so much for all your hard work for Reading to Kids!

Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)