Hey Everyone!
November Reading Clubs are sooner than you think -- just two weeks from this Saturday till it's time to go back to the schools and read to those smiling little faces. Please sign up now to reserve yourself a spot! Click here
to sign up now!
The November Clubs are going to be ever-so-festive because of the Thanksgiving holiday, but will also feature the first-ever Reading to Kids College Spirit Day!
You can be cool to your school AND inspire our readers to go on to higher education at the same time -- what could be better?

...with Reading to Kids' Annual Fund Drive!
For the price of 3 Starbuck's lattes -- about $10 -- you could provide 8 different kids with books for their home libraries. If you read at our Reading Clubs, it's likely you loved being read to as a child, or at least were (and are) a voracious reader.
Don't you remember how special getting a new book could be? This Thanksgiving season, please take time to give back to the community. And what better way than to help our kids build up their home libraries -- you know how much it means to them!
Reading to Kids has reached the 84 donor mark for the 2003 Annual Fund Drive, which means we need 116 donors before November 8 to reach our target of 200! Grant-giving organizations see community buy-in as a key element to a program's sustainability and success.
Please join us in ensuring Reading to Kids' long-term viability -- your gifts of $10 are GREATLY appreciated. Last year, we had 147 donors -- I know we can get to the 200 mark this year!
Donating is easy. Simply make your check out to
Reading to Kids and mail it to our office:
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
If you prefer to donate by credit card,
you may do so at
Please note that we prefer checks because our credit card
processing company deducts a 3% fee from your donations.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Fund Drive,
please feel free to contact Maryanna Abdo at the
Reading to Kids office at (310) 479-7455 or by
e-mail at

Just a reminder to submit your t-shirt design ideas to Reading to Kids for our first T-shirt design competition! Please submit your entries to the Reading to Kids office, by mail, fax, or e-mail, or bring them to the next Reading Clubs! I know there are artists out there -- just think: your artistic masterpiece will be proudly worn by generations of R2K volunteers, and hey -- you'll also get a free t-shirt if your design wins!
Be sure to include our
web address, "www.readingtokids.org," in your designs.
The deadline is Saturday, November 8.
Thanks to all of you hardworking volunteers and Taskforce members for ensuring that this program remains well-operated, well-attended, and well-loved! It's a treat to work with you each month!
Maryanna Abdo
Program Director
Reading to Kids
1600 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 479-7455
(310) 479-7435 (FAX)